What zip code is 06811?

What zip code is 06811?

ZIP Code 06811

Post Office City: Danbury, CT (View All Cities)
County: Fairfield County
Timezone: Eastern (3:54am)
Area code: 203 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 41.42, -73.48 ZIP (~4 mile radius)

How many zip codes are in Danbury CT?

List of Zipcodes in Danbury, Connecticut
ZIP Code ZIP Code Name Population
06811 Danbury 31400
06812 New Fairfield 13881
06877 Ridgefield 24677

What area code is Danbury CT?

Area code 203
Danbury/Area codes

What county is Danbury CT in?

Fairfield County
Danbury, city, coextensive with the town (township) of Danbury, Fairfield county, southwestern Connecticut, U.S. It lies along the Still River in the foothills of the Berkshire Hills. Settled in 1685, it was named in 1687 for Danbury, England, and was incorporated as a town in 1702.

What is Newtown CT ZIP code?

Newtown/Zip codes

Is Danbury a city or town?

Danbury, city, coextensive with the town (township) of Danbury, Fairfield county, southwestern Connecticut, U.S. It lies along the Still River in the foothills of the Berkshire Hills. Settled in 1685, it was named in 1687 for Danbury, England, and was incorporated as a town in 1702.

Is Danbury safe?

Danbury, CT crime analytics Danbury has an overall crime rate of 14 per 1,000 residents, making the crime rate here near the average for all cities and towns of all sizes in America. According to our analysis of FBI crime data, your chance of becoming a victim of crime in Danbury is 1 in 73.

Is Newtown CT a wealthy town?

Newtown households had a median income of $116,771, the highest in the state. Connecticut itself had the fourth highest median household income of all states. Like the richest towns in the vast majority of states, Newtown’s poverty rate was among the lowest in the country.

Is Newtown a city?

Newtown is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. It is part of the greater Danbury metropolitan area as well as the New York metropolitan area. Newtown was founded in 1705, and later incorporated in 1711.

What number state is Connecticut?

fifth state
Connecticut ratified the U.S. Constitution on January 9, 1788, becoming the fifth state.

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