Do you have an email account at BGSU?

Do you have an email account at BGSU?

BGSU provides an email address to all active Students, Faculty, and Staff. These email accounts serve as the primary method of electronic communication at BGSU.

Who is the Guest Relations Manager at Bowling Green State University?

However, to inquire about hosting external guests from affiliated associations or organizations outside of the university community for regional, national, or international gatherings, connect with Michael Brown, Manager of Guest Relations.

Who is the speaker for BGSU day of dialogue?

For the first time, the City of Bowling Green and BGSU hosted Rally BG on Main to welcome the return of BGSU students, eat and be entertained. Bowling Green State University will host the ‘Day of Dialogue’ on Sept. 10 at the Wolfe Center for the Arts, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Tony Anderson.

What do you study at Bowling Green State University?

BGSU’s music composition program is for students who want to study composition, new/contemporary music, arranging, electroacoustic music, and recording. Our program is one of Ohio’s largest producers of teacher education graduates, and our graduates earn more on average than any other graduates in the state.

How many copies of Office 365 can I use at BGSU?

For more information on BGSU email, please visit our policy page. BGSU students, faculty and staff can download and install up to five copies of Microsoft Office 365 (O365) on their personal and university-owned computers and mobile devices for free! How Long Can You Keep Email?

Is there an app for Bowling Green State University?

Students should download the Navigate app to stay connected with campus resources, schedule and receive tutor appointments and chat with advisors. Celebrate Homecoming 2021 with an exciting schedule of events and activities to engage our community and celebrate Bowling Green State University!

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