What is the larval form of a sponge called?

What is the larval form of a sponge called?

The common larval stages found in sponges are Amphiblastula (found in scypha) and parenchymula (found in leucosolenia).

What is larva of sponges?

After reproduction, sponge produces larva called as stomoblastula. It has a mouth and feeds on nurse cells within mesogloea and grows for a few days. Stomoblastula develops into an amphiblastula by inverting inside out and brings the flagellated cells on the outer surface, so that the larva can swim in water.

What are larval parasites?

Larva migrans describes a parasitic disease involving migration of immature (larval) worms in various parts of the body. Several different worm species can be involved and migration occurs in one of three forms. When the worms migrate through the skin of the host, it is called cutaneous (skin) larva migrans.

What is the larval form of porifera?

After multiple cell division of zygote formed it leads to free swimming and ciliated larval organisms which us called Planula.

What is the larval stage called?

The larva, often referred to as a nymph, has more or less the same organization as the adult, or imago; it feeds in a similar way but differs from the adults in lacking wings and in having incomplete sex organs.

What is the larval stage of platyhelminthes?

The larva, called a miricidium hatches and enters the body of a snail. Within the snail’s body cavity it grows into a large sac called a sporocyst, and this then hatches into a further larval stage called the redia. The redia has a mouth and gut and migrates to the snail’s digestive gland.

Which is not a larva of sponge?

Hence Option A: Tornaria is the correct answer.

What are the 3 types of parasitic helminths?

The parasitic intestinal helminths can be divided into three groups which include Nematodes (roundworms), Cestodes (tapeworms), and Trematodes (flukes).

What is the larval stage of echinoderms?

Class Holothuroidea demonstrate two larval stages, namely, auricularia and doliolaria larvae. ➢ Auricularia larva has striking resemblance with bipinnaria of Asteroidea as it also possesses 4 or 5 pairs of ciliated arms for swimming and has a well- developed mouth, gut and anus.

How many types of larvae are there?

II) LARVAE There are three main types of insects larvae namely oligopod, polypod and apodous.

Where do larval forms occur in an animal?

Larvae occur in almost all of the animal phyla; because most are tiny or microscopic, they are rarely seen. They play diverse roles in the lives of animals.

Can a parasitic infection be eliminated from a larval form?

Parasitic infections can often be reduced by eliminating the larval hosts. any animal having a backbone or spinal column. Verbrates can be traced back to the Silurian period. In the adults of nearly all forms the backbone consists of a series of vertebrae. All vertebrates belong to the subphylum Vertebrata of the phylum Chordata.

When do larvae emerge from the pupal case?

Click the link for more information. , larvae represent a special feeding stage in the life cycle. Some insects pass through more or less wormlike larval stages, enter the outwardly inactive, or pupal, form, and emerge from the pupal case as adults (see pupa pupa

How many sponges are there in the world?

Motile larvae help to disseminate sessile, or sedentary, animals such as sponges sponge, common name for members of the aquatic animal phylum Porifera, and for the dried, processed skeletons of certain species used to hold water. Over 4,500 living species are known; they are found throughout the world, especially in shallow temperate waters. …..


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