What are the re verbs in French?

What are the re verbs in French?

Here are the most common regular -RE verbs:

  • attendre: to wait (for)
  • défendre: to defend.
  • descendre: to descend.
  • entendre: to hear.
  • étendre: to stretch.
  • fondre: to melt.
  • pendre: to hang, suspend.
  • perdre: to lose.

How do you conjugate Re and IR verbs in French?

To form the present tense of an -re verb, drop the -re of the infinitive, like you do for -er and -ir verbs. When you do that, you’re left with the stem for the conjugation of the present tense, and you can add the present tense endings specific to -re verbs: -s, -s, nothing, -ons, -ez, -ent.

How do you conjugate re verbs in futur simple?

The futur simple (simple future) describes what will happen for predictions and future projects. The simple future of regular -re verbs is formed by removing the final -e from the infinitive and adding the endings above. For example: vendre – je vendrai – I will sell / I’ll sell.

Are all re verbs irregular?

Some of the most common irregular –RE verbs have their own internally consistent conjugation rules. These include prendre (to take), battre (to fight), mettre (to put), rompre (to break), and all of their derivatives.

How do you conjugate re passe compose?

To conjugate the passé composé we use the present tense of avoir or être as an auxiliary verb, followed by the past participle (participe passé) of the main verb. In negative sentences, the past participle comes after the second part of the negation (pas). Example: J’ai rigolé.

How do you conjugate re verbs in passe compose?

Conjugating Verbs in Passé Composé To form the past participle for er verbs, drop the -er and add -é. To form the past participle for regular ir verbs, drop the -ir and add -i. To form the past participle for regular re verbs, drop the -re and add -u.

What is a re verb?

The present tense: regular -re (third conjugation) verbs – Easy Learning Grammar French. If an infinitive ends in -re, it means the verb belongs to the third conjugation, for example, attendre, vendre, entendre. The stem of -re verbs in the present tense is formed by taking the infinitive and chopping off -re.

Is Envoyer regular or irregular?

Envoyer (“to send, send off, dispatch, remit, throw”) is a stem-changing verb with an irregular future stem.

How do you conjugate re verbs in the future tense?

The simple future of regular -re verbs is formed by removing the final -e from the infinitive and adding the endings above. For example: vendre – je vendrai – I will sell / I’ll sell. boire – nous boirons – we will drink / we’ll drink.

What are the French re verbs?

attendre – to wait for

  • défendre – to defend
  • dépendre – to depend on
  • descendre – to descend
  • détendre – to relax
  • entendre – to hear
  • étendre – to stretch
  • fendre – to split
  • fondre – to melt
  • mordre – to bite
  • What are the conjugation groups for French verbs?

    st group: verbs ending in -er (except aller ).

  • nd group: verbs ending in -ir,with the gerund ending in -issant
  • rd group: verbs ending in -re (with the exception of irregular verbs). 1st section: verbs ending in -ir,with the gerund ending in -ant 2nd section: verbs ending in -oir.
  • How do you conjugate a verb in French?

    French verbs are conjugated by isolating the stem of the verb and adding an ending. In the first and second conjugation, the stem is easily identifiable from the infinitive, and remains essentially constant throughout the paradigm. For example, the stem of parler (“speak”) is parl- and the stem of finir (“finish”) is fin-.

    How to conjugate regular -er verbs in French?

    The largest group is the verbs whose infinitive ends in -er (the -er verbs),like parler ( to speak ).

  • The second largest group is made up of the verbs whose infinitive ends in -ir (the -ir verbs),like finir ( to finish ).
  • The third group consists of the -re ending verbs (the -re verbs),like vendre ( to sell ).
  • What are the 17 verbs in French?

    The following is a list of verbs (and their derivatives) that require être:

    • aller > to go.
    • arriver > to arrive.
    • descendre > to descend / go downstairs. redescendre > to descend again.
    • entrer > to enter. rentrer > to re-enter.
    • monter > to climb. remonter > to climb again.
    • mourir > to die.
    • naître > to be born.
    • partir > to leave.

    What are the top 10 French verbs?

    Top 10 Verbs

    • ÊTRE – to be.
    • AVOIR – to have.
    • FAIRE – to do, to make.
    • DIRE – to say, to tell.
    • ALLER – to go.
    • VOIR – to see.
    • SAVOIR – to know.
    • POUVOIR – can, to be able to.

    How do you form re verbs?

    Are there regular re verbs in French?

    * According to French grammarians, there is no such thing as regular -re verbs. All verbs that end in -re, including the ones defined here as regular, are lumped together with irregular verbs under the heading verbes du troisième groupe.

    Are re verbs conjugation in French?

    Prendre in all of its forms: Verbs with prendre (to take) within them are conjugated just like the irregular verb prendre itself. After removing the -re ending, drop the d as well in all plural person forms (nous, vous, and ils/elles)….Common Irregular -re Verbs.

    j’écris nous écrivons
    il/elle/on écrit ils/elles écrivent

    Is Je suis past tense?

    The passé composé of 17 verbs is formed by combining the present tense of être (je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont) and then adding the past participle of the verb showing the action.

    How do you conjugate re verbs in French?

    Simply put, to conjugate an -re verb, drop the -re and add the appropriate ending according to the person and tense. For example, in the present tense, you add -s, -s, –, -ons, -ez, and -ent to the remaining stem after removing -re.

    Are there any worksheets for re verbs in French?

    Worksheet has 32 fill in the blank sentences for the present tense of RE verbs in French. Also includes second version with same 32 sentences split into 2 separate worksheets. This French speaking activity is a fun way to get beginners speaking using their -ir and -re verbs!

    Which is an example of fill in the blanks?

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. You want to fill in the blanks, touch me again. Tu veux remplir les blancs, Touche-moi encore. I believe I can fill in the blanks. Je crois que je peux remplir les blancs. You can fill in the blanks. Tu peux remplir les cases vides. You mind can stop trying to fill in the blanks.

    What are the endings of Regular RE verbs?

    In essence, there are only four endings: The je and tu forms take -s. The nous form takes -ons. The ils and elles form takes -ent. Note, however, that regular -re verbs in the present tense do not take an ending with il/elle/on.

    When to use etre or avoir in French?

    Most verbs take avoir as a helper verb, but a select group of verbs called “Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp” verbs take être. Secondly, we have to conjugate our main verb into the past participle. If the verb ends in -er like parler (to speak), we drop the -er and add an -é to get parlé .

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