What does Elterngeld stand for in German dictionary?

What does Elterngeld stand for in German dictionary?

Elterngeld (translated literally from German as parents’ money ), is a tax-financed payment for couples which pays an amount of money to support the costs of bringing up a child. Elterngeld schemes exists in Germany, France, and Scandinavia .

What are the requirements for an Elterngeld in Germany?

Eligibility for Elterngeld. You should be eligible for Elterngeld if you fulfill the following criteria: Have a residence in Germany or an Aufenthaltstitel (residence permit) that allows you to work in Germany. You and your child reside together. You care and rear your child personally.

How many months of Elterngeld can a parent get?

For parents jointly rearing their newborn, they can receive 12 months of Elterngeld for the designated partner caring for the child and can receive an additional 2 months of Elterngeld for the other partner, but only when they reduce their hours of work to less than 30 per week.

When do you get an Elterngeld in Norway?

Elterngeld schemes exists in Germany, France, and Scandinavia . It generally does not provide full support of the costs of bringing up a child. It is only provided for a limited period, ranging from until one year after birth until 18 years of age in Norway. The amount of Elterngeld granted depends in some places on the income of the parents.

How old do you have to be to get an Elterngeld?

Elterngeld schemes exists in Germany, France, and Scandinavia. It generally does not provide full support of the costs of bringing up a child. It is only provided for a limited period, ranging from until one year after birth until 18 years of age in Norway.

How is Elterngeld a third state level subsidy?

Elterngeld is effectively a third state-level subsidy for some parents—on top of maternity allowance and state income benefits. Economists argue that this has created a complex and costly system of state benefit which could be simplified and reduced in expenses. Economists and critics also argue that the allowance creates shifting birth patterns.

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