How do I redirect a URL on page load?

How do I redirect a URL on page load?


  1. To redirect to a new URL or page, you assign the new URL to the location. href property or use the location. assign() method.
  2. The location. replace() method does redirect to a new URL but does not create an entry in the history stack of the browser.

How do I redirect a location in Windows href?

How to redirect to a relative URL in JavaScript?

  1. Approach 1: To redirect to a relative URL in JavaScript you can use window.location.href = ‘/path’; window.location.href returns the href (URL) of the current page. Hey geek!
  2. Approach 2: To redirect to a relative url you can use. document. location.

How do I redirect one page to another in jQuery?

Answer: Use the JavaScript window. location Property location property to make a page redirect, you don’t need any jQuery for this. If you want to redirect the user from one page to another automatically, you can use the syntax window. location. replace(“page_url”) .

How can I change URL after page load in PHP?

Quick Summary

  1. The easiest way to redirect users to a different page in PHP is to use the header() function.
  2. Another way to avoid the headers already sent error is to use PHP echo() function to output JavaScript code to do the redirect.
  3. One final method to redirect users to a different URL is to use HTML meta tags.

How do I redirect one page to another in laravel?

By default laravel will redirect a user to the home page like so: protected $redirectTo = ‘/home’; To change that default behaviour, add the following code in App/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController. php . This will redirect users (after login) to where ever you want.

What’s the best way to redirect a PHP page?

The Basic Method for a PHP Redirect. Most guides will tell you that to make a PHP redirect you can just use the header() function at the top of your pages. To do that, you use the function to send a new URL, like this: header(‘Location: ‘.$newURL.php);

How to send a raw HTTP header in PHP?

This is an inbuilt PHP function that is used for sending a raw HTTP header towards the client. The syntax of the header () function is as follows: Also, it is likely to apply this function for sending a new HTTP header, but one should send it to the browser prior to any text or HTML.

What is the HTTP status code for redirect?

If the status code is not specified explicitly, for instance header (“Location: URL “) defaults to 302 (Found). For temporary redirect use the HTTP status code 307.

Can a redirect be disabled on client side?

Just be sure that protected elements doesnt get outputted at all for unauthorized users; Browser’s redirect can be disabled client-side, for example: if the browser doesnt do the redirect and the original page get outputted as normal, what would the user see?

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