What is an acceptable EMF reading?

What is an acceptable EMF reading?

Magnetic fields for occupational exposures should be limited to less than 0.5 mT (5 gauss or 5,000 mG). Should I be worried about my exposure to EMF? The scientific information which exists doesn’t indicate that exposure levels which are commonly encountered have any health effect which requires corrective action.

How do I get rid of high EMF in my house?


  1. Get rid of your microwave.
  2. Power down at night.
  3. Change your cell phone to airplane mode.
  4. Keep all wireless devices out of the kitchen and bedroom.
  5. Do not carry your phone on your body.
  6. Use a selfie-stick.
  7. Talk on your wireless device using speakerphone.

What is a good EMF rating?

Electromagnetic Fields are measured in milligauss (mG). It is generally accepted that exposure to EMF should not exceed 3 milligauss. The EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) has proposed a safety standard of 3 mG. Sweden has also set a recommended safety limit of 3 mG.

Can iPhone detect EMF?

Yes! Smartphones are devices that can measure EMF since their ability to communicate depends on this capacity. But, smartphone can only detect EMF produced by communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, or Bluetooth. So they do not measure the electric field.

What causes high EMF levels?

Much of your EMF exposure in your home probably comes from the wires carrying electrical current. You also get short-term high exposures when you are near electrical appliances like refrigerators, microwaves, and washing machines. The EMF radiation drops off sharply as you move away from these appliances.

What milliGauss level is safe?

In its guidelines update in 2010, ICNIRP recommends a residential magnetic field exposure limit of 2,000 milligauss (mG) and an occupational exposure limit of 10,000 mG .

What causes high EMF in a house?

What is a high level of EMF reading?

Summary: Radio frequency readings within living spaces above 1 mW/m² (milliWatt per square meter) are considered high. Alright, now let’s take a look at one of the most damaging and pervasive types of EMF radiation, radio frequency.

Can a house be a source of EMF radiation?

Yes, the basic electric wiring in your house is a source of EMF radiation. Typically, if done right, the normal house wiring will emit minimal EMF radiation. However, poor house wiring can be dangerous and can expose you to high levels of EMF radiation. In this article, I will talk about EMF radiation coming from:

How can you reduce EMF from house wiring?

Twisted wires create a shielding effect and reduce the EMF levels by shielding the magnetic field. Therefore, you can implement the same idea when doing your house wiring. You can reduce the magnetic field to 90%. You can find cables with twisted wires in the market.

What makes a circuit have an EMF reading?

An electromagnetic field (EMF) is a measurement of energy that causes a current to flow through a circuit. It is a type of radiation in the form of waves, and is created by electrical voltage and current flow. Every cell in your body produces an electromagnetic field, but on a small level.

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