How often do you flood IWS?

How often do you flood IWS?

every 1-2 hours
You can generally flood every 1-2 hours when the plant’s growing vigorously. Your exact frequency depends on: the size of your propagation blocks. the size of your plants.

How many times a day should I flood and drain?

For instance, if you are growing large plants in clay pebbles in a hot, dry, atmosphere with powerful lighting and longer day time, you may need to flood and drain 9, 10 or even 15 times a day. You may need 1-2 flooding in the night if you have a longer dark period and in summers.

How do you use IWS flood and drain system?

Other Mixes. The IWS Flood and Drain system is very adaptable and can be used with many different growing mediums. Just remember to adapt your feeding schedule, depending on the growing medium’s water retention capacity.

How do you clean the IWS system?

Fill your system with regular water and your choice of sterilizing solution (Hydrogen peroxide or bleach). Fill to just over your regular water level, as this will cover the line where algae growth can occur build up. Let your system run and circulate for between 4-6 hours.

What is the best medium for flood and drain?

For frequent flooding… …we recommend using clay pebbles. A 10L pot of dry clay pebbles can absorb up to 5L of water! They’re incredibly porous! Their porous structure absorbs your nutrient solution, then releases it over time.

How does the IWS system work?

The IWS Flood & Drain System is a highly developed hybrid ebb and flow system which works by flooding from the bottom of each individual pot. The system uses gravity to send water to the pots and only uses pumps to fill and drain the main 25 litre control bucket.

How many pots does an IWS flood system need?

They’re the ones supplied with all IWS Flood Systems (up to 24 pots). If you have a larger IWS Flood System (36 pots or more), they come with ‘Punch Pots’ – you need these for bigger set ups.

When to hand water after an IW flood?

Remember that during each flood, oxygen is trapped around roots – more floods = more oxygen The trick is not to over water. During the first 1 – 2 weeks, flood no more than once a day, ideally in the middle of your light period. Some growers actually hand water during this time, while plants are still establishing.

How often should I rotate my flood and drain system?

Flood and drain systems fill and empty through the same tube. As a result, roots can sometimes block the feed pipe. To keep roots away from the tube and get even growth, rotate the inner pot by 45° (a quarter turn), in the same direction, every 2-3 days.

How to prevent roots from blocking flood and drain systems?

Prevent Roots from Blocking Pipes Flood and drain systems fill and empty through the same tube. As a result, roots can sometimes block the feed pipe. To keep roots away from the tube and get even growth, rotate the inner pot by 45° (a quarter turn), in the same direction, every 2-3 days.

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