What is the ASCII binary code of number 89?

What is the ASCII binary code of number 89?

ASCII codes 0 to 127

Nr Binary ASCII
86 01010110 V
87 01010111 W
88 01011000 X
89 01011001 Y

What is the alphabet in binary?

ASCII – Binary Character Table

Letter ASCII Code Binary
a 097 01100001
b 098 01100010
c 099 01100011
d 100 01100100

What is a period in binary code?

Character Name Char Binary
Plus Sign + 00101011
Comma , 00101100
Hyphen / Minus Sign 00101101
Period . 00101110

How do you write 89 in binary?

89 in binary is 1011001.

What is the ASCII value of 2?

ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table

ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
1 49 31
2 50 32
3 51 33
4 52 34

What are the two types of Ascii?

Explanation: There are two types of ASCII codes: ASCII-7 and ASCII-8. ASCII-7 uses 7 bits to represent a number whereas ASCII-8 uses 8-bits to represent a number. Explanation: ASCII-8 can represent 256 different characters.

How many digits are there in the hexadecimal system?

The hexadecimal system (shortly hex), uses the number 16 as its base (radix). As a base-16 numeral system, it uses 16 symbols. These are the 10 decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and the first six letters of the English alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F).

How to convert a decimal to a hexadecimal?

Decimal to Hexadecimal converter. Hex to decimal converter ►. Divide the number by 16. Get the integer quotient for the next iteration. Get the remainder for the hex digit. Repeat the steps until the quotient is equal to 0.

What is the result of carry over in hex?

Just like in decimal addition, the 1 carries over to the next column. Hence, the next column works out to be 1 + A (10) + 7 = 18 decimal, or 12 hex. Carry over the 1 to the final column resulting in 1 + 8 + B (11) = 20 decimal, or 14 hex. This yields the result of 1423 hex.

How are colors represented as hexadecimal numbers in HTML?

In hex, these can be represented in a friendlier fashion, ranging from 00 to FF. In html programming, colors can be represented by a 6-digit hexadecimal number: FFFFFF represents white whereas 000000 represents black. Decimal to hexadecimal conversion can be achieved by applying the repeated division and remainder algorithm.

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