What is the most mind blowing movie?

What is the most mind blowing movie?

10 Mind-Boggling Movies

  • Inception.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
  • The Matrix Revolutions.
  • Donnie Darko.
  • Vanilla Sky.
  • Mulholland Dr.
  • Memento.
  • Fight Club.

What is a mind-bending movie?

Mind-bending movies – stories that deliberately target the audience’s brain as their plaything, either by making us work through their abstract mysteries, or by pulling the rug from underneath the audience in its final moments, or taking us on a spiralling dream-like journey like no other film could.

Is Memento a good movie?

As always with Nolan, ‘Memento’ is a wonderfully made film. The cinematography is slick and the production values in general are suitably gritty and audacious , with some scenes strongly reminiscent of film noir (as a fan of film noir that was great to see).

What is the most complex film?

13 Most Complex Movies Ever Made

  1. Interstellar. ‘Interstellar’ is not perfect, and neither is it trying to be.
  2. Mulholland Drive. A first watch of Mulholland Dr.
  3. Primer. ‘Primer’ is not just a film; it is an elaborate science puzzle.
  4. 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  5. Upstream Color.
  6. Donnie Darko.
  7. Enemy.
  8. Predestination.

Is the Matrix like Inception?

Despite the collective will of humanity to forget about its sequels, the Matrix trilogy still is a benchmark of the “Reality is just a dream!” subgenre. And then Christopher Nolan made Inception and told that entire genre to suck his balls.

How scary is Memento?

And even though it’s a bit harsh in terms of violent content and it’s liberally sprinkled with four-letter words masquerading as dialogue, it’s also one of creepiest pieces of filmmaking in recent memory — one that has its own peculiar way of sneaking up on viewers and then jolting them when they least expect it.

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