What is Deborah Brandt sponsors of literacy summary?

What is Deborah Brandt sponsors of literacy summary?

Brandt defines sponsors of literacy as “agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who teach, model, support, recruit, extort, deny, or suppress literacy and gain advantage by it in some way.” Sponsors can be secular, religious, bureaucratic, commercial, or technological.

What is Deborah Brandt’s definition of literacy?

Essentially, Brandt is saying that every literate person has had the support of a person or idea that inspires their desire to read and write.

What is sponsors of literacy?

According to Brandt, sponsors of literacy are “any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, and model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy – and gain advantage by it in some way.” Literacy in American Lives uses the literacy histories of Americans from all …

What are examples of sponsors of literacy?

Almost anyone can be a literacy sponsor to others. Some good examples would be family members, teachers, celebrities, and social icons. Organizations such as The Pride Marching Band can also serve as literacy sponsors.

How does Brandt define literacy sponsors?

In her article “Sponsors of Literacy,” author and English professor Deborah Brandt defines literacy sponsors as “any agents… who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy–and gain advantage by it in some way” (166).

What is the main idea of sponsors of literacy?

Summary: In “Sponsors of Literacy,” Deborah Brandt attempts to explain literacy, its history, and how there are influences that form the way we learn and practice literacy. Brandt argues that the forces that influence an individual’s literacy are sponsors of literacy.

How does Brandt define a literacy sponsor?

B. In her article “Sponsors of Literacy,” author and English professor Deborah Brandt defines literacy sponsors as “any agents… who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy–and gain advantage by it in some way” (166).

What does Brandt mean by literacy sponsorship who are literacy sponsors?

Professor Deborah Brandt defines literacy sponsors as “agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy—and gain advantage by it in some way” (167).

How does Brandt define literacy sponsors what are the characteristics of a literacy sponsor?

How does Brandt define literacy sponsor quizlet?

According to Deborah Brandt what is a sponsor of literacy? Sponsors of literacy are anyone who is involved with literacy, whether reading or writing. Some are directly connected to literacy processes, such as teachers instructing young children to read.

What is a literacy sponsor according to Brandt?

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