How much is an Antonius Stradivarius violin worth?

How much is an Antonius Stradivarius violin worth?

Antonio Stradivari is widely considered the greatest violin maker of all time, and his instruments sell for as much as $16 million.

Is a copy of a Stradivarius worth anything?

Anywhere from $50 to $50,000 depending on its maker. The vast majority of violins are copies of some Stradivarius or another; most aren’t marked as such. (In fact, I suspect many violin makers don’t realize that the shapes they’re using were created by careful measurement of a Stradivarius.)

How can you tell if a Stradivarius violin is real?

Here are a few things you should check;

  1. Violin Label and Font. Back then, Stradivarius used to include his name on the labels.
  2. Color. If the violin has a vaguely red color, it was likely made post-1700 because the red pigments slowly began to be introduced into violin varnishes after the date.
  3. Shape and Design.
  4. Cost.

How much is an antique Stradivarius violin worth?

A quality reproduction Stradivarius can be worth between $2000 and $4000. If you have the expertise, the passion and the capitol to start investing in antique violins, they have the potential to be a secure and sound investment.

How do I know if my violin is valuable?

How do I know if my violin is worth money?

  1. Flame of the Wood. The back of the violin is a good indicator of the quality of the instrument.
  2. Craftsmanship. The craftsmanship of the violin is the greatest indicator of the quality of an instrument.
  3. Label.
  4. Sound and Ease of Playing.
  5. Materials.

How many Stradivarius copies are there?

Violins Bearing a Stradivarius Label Stradivari also made harps, guitars, violas, and cellos–more than 1,100 instruments in all, by current estimate. About 650 of these instruments survive today.

Are Stradivarius violin copies good?

However, even decent copies of Stradivarius could be worth serious money. So, never throw away any instrument. There are better quality copies of Stradivarius instruments made by famous makers like Roth, Heberlein or JTL. Instruments of this caliber are highly sought after and prices are steadily rising.

How do I know if my old violin is valuable?

Are old violins worth money?

In fact, the vast majority of old violins that people find tucked away in attics and closets are not worth much. Or anything. Even if the label says “Stradivarius”. So that “valuable” old violin may not be so valuable in a decrepit condition.

What violins are worth money?

The 10 most valuable violins in the world

  • The Molitor Stradivari.
  • The ex-Ries Stradivari.
  • The Dolphin Stradivari.
  • The ex-Szigeti Stradivari.
  • The La Pucelle Stradivari.
  • The Lord Wilton Guarneri del Gesù
  • The ex-Carrodus Guarneri del Gesù
  • The ex-Kochanski Guarneri del Gesù

Where to get an old violin appraised?

For such an appraisal, we recommend that you have your instrument examined by a reliable violin dealer in your area. Although we are not allowed to recommend a particular appraiser, we suggest you contact the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers, Inc. to obtain a membership list.

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