How do you use Xenodochial in a sentence?

How do you use Xenodochial in a sentence?

With the new US ambassador set for a carriage ride to meet the Queen, he recalls that, in a xenodochial gesture from the palace, three carriages were sent for a past ambassador and staff.

What is Xenodochial phobia?

The Oxford English Dictionary lists xenodochial as meaning hospitable, so the word roughly tranlates as a fear of hospitality. I dug it out and dusted it off recently when I was reading ”The Letters of Edith Wharton. ” Anybody fearful he would be flattened out of shape in a strange bedroom should have stood at home.

What does Zealful mean?

adjective. Full of or inspired by zeal; characterized by passionate enthusiasm; zealous.

Is Xaroncharoo a word?

Meanings for xaroncharoo It is a Spanish term for Brilliant.

What is the fear of hotels called?

Classification. Hodophobia is a specific phobia as classified in the DSM-5.

What is being zealous?

1 : filled with or showing a strong and energetic desire to get something done or see something succeed The police were zealous in their pursuit of the criminals. 2 : marked by passionate support for a person, cause, or ideal a zealous fan. Other Words from zealous. zealously adverb.

What nice word starts with Z?

Positive words that start with Z

  • Zany – adjective – Amusingly unusual or uncommon in behavior or appearance.
  • Zealous – adjective – Passionate or enthusiastic.
  • Zesty – adjective – Exciting and full of energy (describing people); having a strong, spicy, or pleasant flavor (describing food).

What is a nice word for Z?

Words Beginning With Z That Have 5 or Fewer Letters

Word Definition Synonyms
zing (n.) enjoyable quality zest, enthusiasm
zingy (adj.) striking, attractive, appealing appealing, attractive
zippy (adj.) bright or lively peppy, lively
zion (n.) heavenly kingdom or city utopia, wonderland, bliss

What is Xaroncharoo?

Updated: xaroncharoo means brilliant, insane, evil.

What is xantic?

adjective. of or relating to a yellow or yellowish color.

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