What happens in Act 1 Scene 5 of the Twelfth Night?

What happens in Act 1 Scene 5 of the Twelfth Night?

In Act 1 Scene 5 of Twelfth Night, we meet the fool, who is argumentative and challenges Olivia and Malvolio on their perceptions of foolishness. She delivers Orsino’s message of love, which Olivia rejects. After Cesario leaves Olivia realizes that she is actually attracted to him instead.

Why does Olivia send the ring to Cesario?

Olivia sends Cesario back to Orsino to tell him that Olivia still does not love him and never will. Then, after Cesario leaves, she sends Malvolio after him with a ring—a token of her attraction to Cesario—that she pretends Cesario left with her.

Why does Sir Toby marry Maria?

Sir Toby does in fact go on to marry Maria. Maria’s plan to trick Malvolio might not be very kind, but the plan is intelligent, shrewd, and funny. By marrying Maria, Sir Toby acknowledges that he admires these qualities in a woman, mirroring Orsino’s admiration of Viola’s courage and intelligence.

Does Olivia marry Sebastian?

Olivia eventually comes to the conclusion that she must marry him. However, in a case of mistaken identity, she marries Viola’s twin brother, Sebastian. It is here that Olivia and Sebastian are hastily married, Viola and Sebastian rediscover each other, Malvolio is rescued, and Orsino proposes to Viola.

What kind of character is Malvolio?

Malvolio is a serious and sober character who has secret ambitions to become a nobleman. He is rude, overbearing and insults Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria and Feste. To get revenge they trick him with a forged letter, into believing that the Countess Olivia wants to marry him.

Why does Olivia reject Orsino?

Valentine tells Orsino in Act 1, Scene 1 that Olivia is uninterested in Orsino’s romantic feelings for her, and that she doesn’t even bother to read the letters he sends expressing his devotion to her. The reason she is uninterested is because she is grieving the recent loss of her beloved brother.

How is Malvolio rude?

Malvolio is rude for several reasons. First is his innate character. He’s a snob, and thinks he is better than he is. Second, some of the others are rude to him.

Who is not in love with Olivia?

Orsino is not in love with Olivia in any genuine way. It’s more accurate to say that he is in love with the idea of being in love—that is, he enjoys behaving like Olivia’s lover, rather than actually loving her. This is why Olivia’s lack of interest in Orsino has…

Why does Olivia marry Sebastian?

For all of Olivia’s unruliness, her marriage to a man ultimately helps to restore order in a chaotic and topsy-turvy world. For all of Olivia’s unruliness and unconventional behavior, her marriage to Sebastian helps to reestablish the play’s sense of social order.

Why is Malvolio the antagonist?

Malvolio. The “ill-willed” Malvolio, who rains on everybody’s parade, is definitely the villain of our play. He’s haughty and likes to tattle on everybody. He also somehow manages to imprison the sea captain, who is holding Viola’s “maiden weeds” (her dress).

Is Orsino melodramatic?

The line shows Orsino’s tendency to be melodramatic and focus on himself. Even though Orsino believes he is interacting with Cesario as a male friend, he is deeply drawn to him, which foreshadows the way he will realize he loves Viola when her true identity is revealed.

What is the summary of Twelfth Night?

Summary. Twelfth Night is a tale of unrequited love – hilarious and heartbreaking. Twins are separated during a shipwreck and are forced to fend for themselves in a strange land. The first twin, Viola, falls in love with Orsino , who dotes on Olivia, who falls for Viola but is idolized by Malvolio .

What is the plot of Twelfth Night?

Plot Analysis. Twelfth Night is a play about desire’s power to override conventions of class, religion, and even gender. Several characters begin the play believing they want one thing, only to have love teach them they actually want something else.

What is the 12th night?

Twelfth Night is the night of Epiphany, January 6, or, the twelfth night after Christmas. This holiday signaled the end of Christmas merry-making and, more importantly, commemorated the Magi. It is likely that Shakespeare wrote the play to celebrate this occasion and thus gave it this specific title.

What is the Twelfth Night in Shakespeare?

Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601-1602 as a Twelfth Night’s entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck.

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