Who created IG-88?

Who created IG-88?

Holowan Laboratories
IG-88, also known as the IG-series assassin droid or IG-series combat prototype, was an assassin droid line designed by Holowan Laboratories. The IG-88 line was a derivative of the IG-86 sentinel droids used during the Clone Wars. IG-88B later became one of the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunters.

What Blaster does IG 88 use?

Equipment. Your opponent is IG-88…a Holowan Laboratories Phlutdroid armed with pulse cannons, concussion discs, vibroblades and a DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor.”

Is IG-11 coming back?

IG-11 returns in the season’s penultimate episode “Chapter 7: The Reckoning”, in which the Ugnaught alien Kuiil, an ally of the Mandalorian living on Arvala-7, repairs IG-11 and reprograms him to be a nurse droid.

What is the difference between IG-11 and IG-88?

IG-11 is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian. IG-11 closely resembles another Star Wars bounty hunter named IG-88, so much so that fans and journalists initially mistook IG-11 for the other droid when the character was first unveiled.

What did the IG-88 do in Star Wars?

The IG-88 designated “B” operated as a bounty hunter, with his appearances throughout the galaxy serving as cover for their real operations on Mechis III. One assignment saw the droid bounty hunter hired by Ko Zatec-Cha, vizier of Tammuz-an, to track down the missing Prince Mon Julpa.

Where did IG 88 go in Death Star 2?

Unable to track his quarry, IG-88 trailed his chief rival, Boba Fett, to Bespin, where the bounty hunter nearly destroyed the assassin droid, however IG-88 managed to survive. At some point IG-88 undertook a software infiltration into Death Star II, but his plan was single-handedly thwarted by R2-Q5.

What kind of Droid is the IG 88?

The IG-88 line was a derivative of the IG-86 sentinel droids used during the Clone Wars. IG-88B later became one of the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunters. However, the bounty hunting was just a cover for his master, IG-88A, and his grand plan—the Droid Revolution .

Where did Boba Fett take the IG-88?

IG-88 tailed the Millennium Falcon along with Fett to Cloud City on the planet Bespin, where the assassin droid was defeated and left for scrap after his longtime rival caught it trailing him. Ultimately, Boba Fett captured Han Solo for Vader, who then later on delivered the bounty to Jabba on Tatooine.

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