What does the term retrench mean?

What does the term retrench mean?

1a : cut down, reduce. b : to cut out : excise. 2 : to pare away : remove. intransitive verb. : to make retrenchments specifically : economize.

What’s the opposite of retrench?

What is the opposite of retrench?

spend squander
drain exhaust
misspend use
outlay donate
lose contribute

How do you use retrench?

1. The company had to retrench because of falling orders. 2. They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit.

What does retrench mean in England?

to reduce or curtail
retrench in British English (rɪˈtrɛntʃ ) verb. to reduce or curtail ( costs); economize. 2. ( transitive)

What is called retrenchment?

Retrenchment is one of the ways companies use to terminate employment when the company is forced to downsize its number of employees. Retrenchment means terminating an employee due to the surplus of labor or incapacity of employees to match the performance standards of the company.

What is another word for retrenchment?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for retrenchment, like: decrease, curtailing, frugality, abatement, deduction, thriftiness, reduction, economy, curtailment, downsizing and deindustrialisation.

What is the word for not compassionate?

uncompassionate Add to list Share. Uncompassionate means indifferent or uncaring about the way other people feel. An uncompassionate person isn’t emotionally affected by the sight of someone who’s crying. This adjective is formed by adding un-, “not,” to compassionate, “feeling sympathy or concern for others.”

What does retrenched mean Centrelink?

If you’ve lost your job and got a redundancy or termination payment, you may be able to get help.

When can you retrench someone?

After the consultation process has been exhausted, the employer may make its decision to retrench, and then issue a notice of retrenchment to the affected employees. The law provides for additional procedures that the employer, employing more than 50 employees, must follow when deciding to retrench.

What is the notice period for retrenchment?

If employed for less than six months – one week’s notice; if employed for more than six months but not more than one year – two weeks’ notice and if employed for more than a year – four weeks’ notice. Domestic and farm workers, who have been employed for more than six months, must receive four weeks’ notice.

What happens when you get retrenched?

Retrenchment is a form of dismissal due to no fault of the employee, it is a process whereby the employer reviews its business needs in order to increase profits or limit losses, which leads to reducing its employees.

What are the reasons for retrenchment?

Typically, economic reasons given for the need for retrenchment include the ability to make money or to retain sufficient funds to continue operations. Such reasons need not be confined to the current financial situation but could include the company’s projected financial circumstances.

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