What is non voice account?

What is non voice account?

Non-voice business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subsection of BPO in which employees do not work not in call centers or other areas where they would talk with customers, but are placed in jobs performing back-office tasks; thus, they do not use their voice.

Is teleperformance accepting walk in applicants?

17 answers One can walk in or be reffered by an existing employee. Walk in or referral applicants can apply.

What type of job is Teleperformance?

Teleperformance connects the biggest and most respected brands on the planet with their customers by providing customer care, technical support, customer acquisition, digital solutions, analytics, back-office and other specialized services to ensure consistent positive customer interactions.

Why do you want to be part of TP?

We strive to keep our people inspired and motivated. We want them to feel proud of being part of our team. That is why we invest in creating the best place for them, through a great work environment, career development opportunities, competitive benefits and so much more.

What do non voice do?

Answer incoming calls from clients, responding promptly and effectively to client requests. 3. Occasional outbound calls for follow-up.

What is non voice process?

Non Voice Process. Voice Process can be likely handle the customer service receive the clients and solve the queries and communicate to the customer and clients that is called Voice Process. Non Voice Process can be background process like chats the clients and no calls and queries that is called Non Voice Process.

Is it hard to get hired at Teleperformance?

It takes about a full month to get hired. You would have to first fill out yhe application with your references and all your information. ( full name, home address, highest education graduated, job history, etc.) Also they would call you for a first interview based on your experience from your current employer.

Is teleperformance easy?

Teleperformance is a good paying job and is a really easy job working in a call center. The accounts are not hard to work on. This is a great company to work for. They really know how to take care of their employees and show them they appreciate them.

Is teleperformance a real company?

Teleperformance is an outsourcing company–we can replace your in-house Customer Service and Tech Support employees with cheaper and lower-quality versions.

What salary do you expect answer?

You can try to skirt the question with a broad answer, such as, “My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.” Or, “If this is the right job for me, I’m sure we can come to an agreement on salary.” This will show that you’re willing to negotiate. Offer a range.

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