Which crop is mostly grown in Goa?

Which crop is mostly grown in Goa?

Rice is the staple food crop of Goa. The crop is cultivated over an area of 42,973 ha with a production of 1,55,818 mt annually.

Which are the main sources of irrigation in Goa?

In Goa traditional sources of irrigation were storage tanks, small Diversion bandharas, natural springs and wells. For rabi paddy (vaigon) Irrigation was mostly from storage tanks located in Salcete and Bardez.

Why is agriculture important in Goa?

Though tourism and mining are at forefront in terms of employment generation, agriculture has been providing livelihood support to almost 12 Lakhs of the population. The Agriculture along with Forests in Goa is instrumental in keeping Goa green and cover nearly 65% of the total area of the State.

What is the production of Goa?

Goa – Region Profile

Crop Area (in ‘000 ha) Production (in ‘000 tonnes)
Rice 45.8 122.8
Total Pulses 10 9
Total Oilseeds 3.1 7.5
Sugarcane 0.9 46

What is agriculture in Goa?

Rice and fish being the staple diet of the people, paddy becomes the principal crop in the scenario of agriculture in Goa. The important crops, apart from paddy, are ragi, maize, jowar, bajra and pulses. Cash crops like coconut, cashew-nut, arecanut, mango, jackfruit, banana, pineapple are also grown in abundance.

Which soil is found in Goa?

Most of Goa’s soil cover is made up of laterites rich in ferric-aluminum oxides and reddish in colour. Further inland and along the riverbanks, the soil is mostly alluvial and loamy. The soil is rich in minerals and humus, thus conducive to agriculture.

Who is the agriculture minister of Goa?

Vijai Sardesai
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant
Minister of Agriculture Government of Goa
In office 14 March 2017 – 13 July 2019
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar

What are the 4 types of irrigation?

The different types of irrigation include- sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation, drip irrigation, sub-irrigation and manual irrigation.

How many crops are there in Goa?

Cropping Seasons

S. No Cropping Season Crops
1. Rabi Wheat, barley, peas, gram, mustard etc.
2. Kharif Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut, soybean etc.
3. Zaid Seasonal fruits, vegetables, fodder crops etc.

What crops grown in Goa?

Goa grows rice and cashew, along with ragi, maize, jowar, bajra and pulses. Other cash crops that grow in the state include coconut, arecanut, mango, jackfruit, banana and pineapple. There have also been efforts recently to cultivate sugarcane, and a sugar factory has been established.

Who is ruling in Goa?

Incumbent. Pramod Sawant Chief minister’s term is for five years and is subject to no term limits. The Chief Minister of Goa is chief executive of the Indian state of Goa.

What is the CM of Goa?

Dr.Pramod Sawant (born 24 April 1973) is an Indian politician who is the 13th and current Chief Minister of Goa. Sawant represents the Sanquelim constituency in the Goa Legislative Assembly and is a member of the BJP.

What kind of crops are grown in Goa?

Rice that is cultivated in the rains from June to September is the major crop followed by cereals like pulses and small millets. The areca nut, coconut, cashew are the other major plantation crops here and the garden crops include pineapple, mango, bananas and jackfruits.

How is the Department of Agriculture in Goa?

The State of Goa is providing assistance to agriculture at all levels to provide substantial returns to rural people. The Department of Agriculture provides assistance for farmer from land preparation to the extent of marketing of the produce.

Which is the most important economic activity in Goa?

In the state of Goa agriculture is one of the most important economic activity. . Lies between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, to feed its own people Goa faces problems . The coastal areas are exposed to salinity and not suitable for agriculture , while the inland areas are not productive enough.

What are the main sources of irrigation in India?

The main sources of irrigation for winter crops are the nallahs, rivers and streams, tanks, wells and canals. Crops grown in the Kharif season consist of paddy, ragi (locally called nachani) and some pulses.

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