What does it mean to have someone onboard?

What does it mean to have someone onboard?

It means getting someone to do what you want an idea or project.

How do you use onboard in a sentence?

Onboard sentence example. The ship had there been scuttled to put out a fire onboard , by the port authority, acting upon their own judgment, but with the assent of the master.

What is the best meaning of I need you all on board?

If a person or group of people is on board, they support you and agree with what you are doing. We want to see that everyone is on board for creating change.

What is another word for onboard?

What is another word for onboard?

aboard on the bus
on the ship on the train

Is everyone onboard or on board?

1 Answer. Onboard is one word (sometimes hyphenated—on-board) when it comes before the noun it modifies (e.g., onboard radio, onboard computer). Elsewhere, writers usually make on board two words. For instance, one might write, “We brought a radio on board so we could have an onboard radio.”

What is the difference between on board and onboard?

Onboard is an adjective that means attached, and a verb that means to acclimate new hires to a new company. On board is an adverb or prepositional phrase that means safely aboard a vessel or in agreement.

How do you use onboard?

On board is an adverb and prepositional phrase that refers to boarding any transport vessel or agreeing to something. Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies. The phrase on board is two-syllable word that goes after the verb and acts as an adverb or a prepositional phrase.

Are you onboard or on board?

What is the difference between onboard and on board?

How do you say I am on board?

You could say, “I am on board with students bringing their cell phones to school.” I am on board with = “I approve of”, “I am in favor of”, “I agree with”.

How do you use onboard as a verb?

  1. ​[transitive] onboard somebody to ensure a new employee or customer becomes familiar with an organization or its products or services. The goal is to get new clients onboarded quickly.
  2. ​[intransitive, transitive] to become familiar with how something works, especially a piece of technology or software.

Does onboard have hyphen?

Onboard is one word (sometimes hyphenated—on-board) when it comes before the noun it modifies (e.g., onboard radio, onboard computer). Elsewhere, writers usually make on board two words. For instance, one might write, “We brought a radio on board so we could have an onboard radio.”

When to use’onboard’before’on board’?

Use onboard as an adjective before the noun it modifies. The phrase on board is an adverb or a prepositional phrase, and it usually goes after a verb. Since onboard is a single two-syllable word, like before, I predict you will experience only minimal difficulty remembering to use onboard before nouns.

Which is an example of an onboard computer?

An onboard computer, for instance, is a computer that is built into the design of a vessel. Ashlynn bought a new car, and she was careful to choose one with onboard GPS to help her navigate. The onboard navigational system helped pilots choose the fastest route without wasting fuel.

Which is the correct spelling onboard or on board?

Occasionally, you might see the one-word onboard spelled as a hyphenated compound: on-board. In fact, some spellchecks flag onboard as an error in favor of on-board. Depending on your company’s style guide, you may or may not be required to use the on-board over onboard.

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