What experiments are related to photosynthesis?

What experiments are related to photosynthesis?

Use a measuring spoon to scoop out 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, and fill your measuring cup with 300 milliliters of water. Mix the baking soda into the water to create your bicarbonate solution. When the baking soda dissolves in the water, it releases carbon dioxide. This will be used by the spinach for photosynthesis.

How do you investigate the rate of photosynthesis?

Investigating the rate of photosynthesis

  1. Set up the apparatus as in the diagram.
  2. Leave for five minutes for the pondweed to acclimatise to the new light intensity.
  3. Count the number of bubbles given off in one minute.
  4. Move the light 10 cm further back.
  5. Leave for five minutes for the pondweed to acclimatise again.

How are we measuring the rate of photosynthesis in this experiment?

The rate of photosynthesis will be measured by counting the number of oxygen bubbles produced by the Elodea plants in each 2-minute trail. After completing a number of experiments, students and teachers will discuss their findings in relation to macro-level factors that affect ecosystem health and climate change.

What is evidence of photosynthesis?

The glucose that is produced is used as an energy source or converted to starch for storage. Thus, the presence of starch in a leaf is direct evidence that photosynthesis has taken place. Starch can be detected by the iodine test. In this test, a leaf is boiled in water and then boiled in ethanol until it decolorizes.

What scientists contributed to photosynthesis?

Partial list of persons who made significant contributions to the history of photosynthesis:

  • Johann Baptista van Helmont (1577-1644)
  • John Woodward (1665-1728)
  • Stephen Hales (1677-1761)
  • Charles Bonnet (1720–1793)
  • Joseph Black (1728–1799).
  • Joseph Priestley.
  • Jan Ingenhousz (1730-1799)
  • Jean Sénébier (1742-1809)

What’s aerobic respiration?

Listen to pronunciation. (ayr-OH-bik RES-pih-RAY-shun) A chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars). Also called aerobic metabolism, cell respiration, and oxidative metabolism.

How do you investigate the effect of photosynthesis on temperature?


  1. Place a pond weed Elodea upside in a test tube containing water at 25°C.
  2. Place the tube in a beaker of fresh water.
  3. Place excess sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in the water to give a constant saturated solution of CO2.
  4. Place the lamp (the only light source) at a fixed distance from the plant.

How do you measure net photosynthesis?

Net photosynthesis may be represented by the following equation: net photosynthesis = gross photosynthesis – respiration. Net photosynthesis can also be depicted as a measure of the oxygen released or a measure of the carbon dioxide uptake.

What is the first evidence of photosynthesis?

There is suggestive evidence that photosynthetic organisms were present approximately 3.2 to 3.5 billion years ago, in the form of stromatolites, layered structures similar to forms that are produced by some modern cyanobacteria, as well as numerous microfossils that have been interpreted as arising from phototrophs ( …

Why are investigations in photosynthesis important to students?

Rather, they are designed to produce results that students do not expect. By “rocking students’ boats,” the investigations aim to illustrate the importance of unexpected results and to demonstrate they can lead to new models, hypotheses, and experiments.

How long is the open investigation in photosynthesis?

Class time:Students should be able to complete the thought investigations, the two guided inquiries, and the open investigation over a two- to three-week period. During that time period, there will likely be time that can be used for other aspects of your curriculum.

Where does photosynthesis take place in a plant?

• Plants and trees get their mass from the soil. • Plants get their food from the soil. • Photosynthesis takes place during daylight while cellular respiration takes place during the night. Getting Ready

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