What is Ovidac used for?

What is Ovidac used for?

Ovidac 5K Injection is used together with another hormone called follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for the treatment of infertility in women. In men, it is used to help treat delayed puberty, undescended testes or oligospermia (low sperm count). It is given as an injection into a muscle or under the skin.

What is the use of HCG 5000 injection?

Hcg 5000IU Injection is used in the treatment of infertility in women. It is also helpful in the treatment of male hypogonadism (delayed puberty, and low sperm count). It works by releasing the eggs from the ovary in women and by increasing the testosterone level in men.

What is the HCG injection called?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG injection.

What is the cost of HCG injection?

Intas HCG 5000 IU Injection Price: Rs. 480.00, Side-Effects, Uses,Dosage, Generic-Alternatives in India | Uses of Intas HCG 5000 IU Injection.

What are the benefits of hCG injections?

hcg injections for weight loss helps to improve general health and prevent the onset of medical conditions such as diabetes. Weight loss also helps with the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body. hCG injections can be administered in the comfort of our office to help the individual lose weight.

Is hCG injection safe?

Although HCG can help you become pregnant, it should not be used during pregnancy. Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant during treatment. HCG has no known effect on appetite, hunger, fat loss, or fat distribution. It is not approved by the FDA as a weight loss medication or for the treatment of obesity.

What happens when you inject hCG?

Because hCG is similar in structure to luteinizing hormone (LH), when there is a mature egg follicle in the ovary an injection of hCG can cause the egg to mature and be released. The medication can be used alone, in an ovulation induction cycle as with intrauterine insemination or during in vitro fertilization.

Is hCG better than testosterone?

Previous studies on pubertal induction using hCG monotherapy and hCG + rFSH have each shown testicular growth and spermatogenesis in addition to adequate virilizing effects and better quality of life when compared to testosterone alone.

Can hCG injections cause mood swings?

HCG has FDA approval as a prescription medication for treating fertility issues, but they warn against using it for weight loss. The FDA have not approved HCG in any form for OTC sale. The use of HCG can cause a range of potential side effects, including: mood changes.

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