What are social media guidelines?

What are social media guidelines?

A social media policy is a set of guidelines that advises how employees should conduct themselves online. It’s designed to safeguard the brand’s image and encourage employees to use their accounts responsibly.

What act does the social media policy come under in Australia?

Your rights under the Privacy Act If the online social network you use is such an organisation, then the personal information you share on it is protected by the Privacy Act. Such organisations include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn.

What is Coca Cola social media policy?

Coca Cola have asked that subject matter experts respond to negative posts. This means that while Coca Cola employees can be on the look out for negative posts they pass the post onto a certified spokesperson thus limiting potential fall out from badly thoughout responses.

What is an example of a social media policy?

Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company policy.

What are five social media etiquettes?

The basics of social media etiquette

  • Don’t be overly promotional. Try not to message all your customers asking them to buy your products and avoid sharing constant advertisements on your page.
  • Avoid over-automation.
  • Handle your hashtags carefully.
  • Don’t bad-mouth your competition.
  • Be authentic and genuine.

What are the new guidelines for social media?

The new social media rules require firms to not just enable traceability of end-to-end encrypted messages, but also establish local offices staffed with senior officials to deal with law enforcement and user grievances.

What act does social media policy come under?

This policy contains a set of whole-of-government instructions issued by the Head of Service under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 which binds all employees and officers engaged under that Act.

Are social media policies legal?

Social media policies can be unlawful. In 1935, Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act to protect the rights of employees, encourage collective bargaining and curtail dangerous workplace policies.

Is Coca-Cola active on social media?

Coca-Cola utilizes majority of well-known social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn and Flickr. YouTube: YouTube was the first social media platform Coca-Cola joined.

What is TCCC marketing?

The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) is committed to the responsible marketing of our products. All media which directly targets children under 12, including shows, print media, websites, social media, movies and SMS/email marketing. …

What are examples of policies and procedures?

10 examples of policies and procedures in the workplace

  • Code of conduct.
  • Recruitment policy.
  • Internet and email policy.
  • Mobile phone policy.
  • Smoking policy.
  • Drug and alcohol policy.
  • Health and safety policy.
  • Anti-discrimination and harassment policy.

What are the social media etiquette and behavior?

Social media etiquette refers to both the spoken and unspoken set of social conventional rules of personal and business behavior online. It dictates how people conduct themselves on social media so they remain respectful and respectable.

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