What birds are in Snettisham?

What birds are in Snettisham?

What will you see?

  • Avocet. Normally present on the reserve from March to August.
  • Bar-tailed godwit. The Wash holds internationally important numbers of bar-tailed godwits in winter.
  • Knot. As the tide comes in, the ‘clouds’ of tens of thousands of knots shimmer over the mudflats.
  • Pink-footed goose.
  • Shelduck.

Where can I see geese in Norfolk?

The best viewpoints to see geese flying in and out of traditional roosts at dawn and dusk are at Snettisham RSPB reserve in West Norfolk and on the coast at Brancaster and Wells next the Sea in North Norfolk. Sunset or sunrise between November and February are the best times to view big numbers.

When can you see the knots at Snettisham?

RSPB Snettisham can host thousands of pink footed geese which roost on the mudflats of The Wash at night between November and January. At sunrise, you can witness the geese leaving their roost in extraordinarily large flocks.

Is Snettisham Beach Sandy?

The expansive sands of Snettisham are in fact Norfolk’s only west facing beach. The extensive sand and mud flats are frequented by various wading birds such as avocets, knots and bar-tailed godwit which can be seen from the RSPB reserve.

What is the difference between a greylag goose and a pink-footed goose?

From a distance the pink-footed goose and the greylag goose look very similar. The best way to tell the difference is by looking at their bills. The bill of a pink-footed goose is mainly black with a pink section in the middle (below left). The bill of a greylag goose is all orange (below right).

Can you swim at Heacham beach?

– Poor: You are advised not to swim. The beach will stay open and an action plan should be in place to improve the water quality.

When is the best time to watch the geese at Snettisham?

This is the other RSPB Snettisham highlight that takes place from November to January every year. It means getting yourself out of bed very early in the morning, but believe me, it really is worth the effort! The site and sounds of the geese flying over in huge numbers is just wonderful.

When does RSPB Snettisham bird watching event take place?

This happens pretty much all year round. During the year the RSPB put on Wader Watcher Events that you can join. You can find more details here about these Wader Watcher Events. This is the other RSPB Snettisham highlight that takes place from November to January every year.

What’s the difference between Titchwell and Snettisham RSPB?

I personally find RSPB Snettisham to be very different to the Titchwell RSPB Nature Reserve, or the Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Cley Marshes, in that it has a much wilder, more rugged feel to it. You can take a relaxed walk all the way around the lagoons. There is no visitor centre, state of the art hides or refreshments.

When do bar tailed godwits come to Snettisham?

Normally present on the reserve from March to August. The Wash holds internationally important numbers of bar-tailed godwits in winter. As the tide comes in, the ‘clouds’ of tens of thousands of knots shimmer over the mudflats. Thousands of pink-footed geese assemble here from mid-October to February.

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