What is plica Polonica?

What is plica Polonica?

Plica polonica is an uncommon condition characterized by diffuse matting of hair. It can be caused by various conditions such as psychiatric illnesses, pediculosis, pyoderma scalp and shampoos. It was prevalent in Poland in the 19th century, hence the name plica polonica or polish plait.

How pediculosis is treated in India?

Screening and treatment of all close contacts is necessary for an adequate management of pediculosis. Medical management of head louse infestation requires proper application of topical pediculicidal agents’, chiefly permethrin lotion and wet combing with a fine toothcomb.

Why is my hair matting underneath?

Mats occur when loose hairs repeatedly twist around attached strands, and the resulting tangle is not swiftly removed. Matting can also be the fault of bad detangling methods, long stints without a trim, or even failing to protect your hair at night.

What is good for matted hair?

Coconut oil, olive oil, or Moroccan argan oil can be used instead, and may be especially useful for textured hair. If you dislike the feel of oil in your hair, you can try a hair detangling spray. If using ordinary conditioner, it will finish moisturizing your hair within a few minutes.

Why is my hair matting all of a sudden?

Acute hair matting may be due a combination of physical, chemical and behavioural factors. Neglected hair care and poor hygiene. Infestation with head lice (pediculosis capitis) Irritant contact dermatitis due to harsh shampoo or other chemicals.

What is the best treatment for pediculosis?

First-line pharmacologic treatment of pediculosis is permethrin 1% lotion or shampoo. Multiple novel treatments have shown limited evidence of effectiveness superior to permethrin. Wet combing is an effective nonpharmacologic treatment option.

What medication is used to treat pediculosis?

Treatment of Pediculosis

  • Permethrin 1% It was introduced for the first time in the year 1986 as a scheduled topical agent.
  • Malathion 0.5%
  • Lindane 1%
  • Permethrin 5% (Permite)
  • Crotamiton 10%
  • Oral ivermectin.
  • Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.
  • Benzyl alcohol 5%

How do you fix severely matted hair?

Open a pair of scissors and hold your hair tight with your other hand. Run the bottom blade of the scissors along the underside of the mat, then gently tug at your hair to remove loose strands. Use a wide-toothed comb until the severe mats and tangles have been straightened out.

How do you fix matted hair extensions?

If your hair extensions have matted at the roots, the only way to fix this is to have the hair extensions carefully removed by a professional hair extension technician. It is not possible to untangle matted roots whilst the bonds are still in place, and therefore removal is your only option.

Can matted hair be saved?

Does it have to be cut out? No, matted hair can be successfully detangled without cutting the hair. It takes patience, work, and the right tools, but it can be accomplished and end up saving your strands and your nerves from being shot.

Does coconut oil help matted hair?

Coconut oil does help matted fur. Rubbing coconut oil throughout your cat’s fur can act as a natural detangler. This is a great trick to use if your comb is having trouble breaking up mats. If you don’t want to use coconut oil, baby powder and cat safe conditioner can also be used as a detangler for your cat’s mats.

Does baby oil help detangle hair?

Detangling Tangles can be a curlies’ worst enemy, but baby oil is here to smooth out your curls and reduce breakage. Using it fresh out of the shower can give you excellent results.

What does plica polonica mean in medical terms?

DEFINITION: “Uncommonly, in patients who are heavily infested (with lice) and untreated, the hair becomes tangled with exudates, predisposing the area to fungal infection and results in a malodorous mass known as Plica Polonica.

Who was the first person to get plica polonica?

1660 William Davison, the physician to the Polish king John Casimir and the queen Marie Louise, wrote that plica polonica was due solely to uncleanliness and lack of care of hair. [Fronczak, 1898] 1665 Robert Hooke (who first published a micrograph of a louse) examined human hair under a microscope and noted:

Why was plica polonica considered a punishment from God?

Furthermore, plica polonica was also believed to be a punishment from God, and a disease which could not be simply disposed of by cutting off one’s hair, as this would incur serious complications and even a patient’s death.

What was plica polonica used for in King Lear?

1623 “The Plica Polonica was supposed to be the operation of wicked elves; whence the clotted hair was called elf-locks and elf-knots. Thus Edgar (in The Tragedy of King Lear) talks of ‘elfing all his hair in knots.’” [Furness, 1871]

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