What is the true definition of chemotherapy?

What is the true definition of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy: 1. In the original sense, a chemical that binds to and specifically kills microbes or tumor cells. The term chemotherapy was coined in this regard by Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915). 2. In oncology, drug therapy for cancer.

What is the medical term for chemotherapy?

Also called “chemo” for short. Most cancer chemotherapeutic drugs are given IV (into a vein) or IM (into muscle). Some anticancer agents are taken orally (by mouth). Chemotherapy is usually systemic treatment, meaning that the drugs flow through the bloodstream to nearly every part of the body.

What are the five classes of chemotherapy drugs?

Cancer chemotherapy agents are classified according to their chemical nature and function. Some of the well known classes of cancer chemotherapy agents include alkylating agents, plant alkaloids, antimetabolites, anthracyclines, topoisomerase inhibitors and corticosteroids.

What is the principle of chemotherapy?

The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy cancer cells. Traditional chemotherapies work by killing cells that divide rapidly. But as they wipe out fast-growing cancer cells, they can also damage fast- growing healthy cells. Damage to healthy blood cells can lead to side effects such as fatigue or infection.

What is the main aim of chemotherapy?

The major aims of chemotherapy are to: Cure the cancer or increase the chance of cure. Reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Improve survival.

What is chemotherapy Slideshare?

Definition Chemotherapy & Antibiotics: • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the treatment of infections by substances which destroy or suppress bacteria and other microorganism. The substances / Agents used may natural synthetic or semi – synthetic in nature.

What is the word chemo short for?

chemo. / (ˈkiːməʊ) / noun. informal short for chemotherapy.

What is the use of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. It usually works by keeping the cancer cells from growing, dividing, and making more cells. Because cancer cells usually grow and divide faster than normal cells, chemotherapy has more of an effect on cancer cells.

What are the 7 main types of chemotherapy?

Types of chemotherapy drugs

  • Alkylating agents. This group of medicines works directly on DNA to keep the cell from reproducing itself.
  • Nitrosoureas.
  • Anti-metabolites.
  • Plant alkaloids and natural products.
  • Anti-tumor antibiotics.
  • Hormonal agents.
  • Biological response modifiers.

What are the two types of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy may be given in several different ways, which are discussed below.

  • Intravenous (IV) chemotherapy.
  • Oral chemotherapy.
  • Injected chemotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy into an artery.
  • Chemotherapy into the peritoneum or abdomen.
  • Topical chemotherapy.
  • Hormonal therapy.
  • Targeted therapy.

What are the goals of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is most often a systemic treatment, meaning the drugs travel throughout the body to attack cancer cells anywhere they are found. The three goals of chemotherapy for cancer are to cure, control or relieve suffering. More than 100 chemotherapy drugs are used to treat many types of cancer.

What is chemotherapy and its mechanism of action?

Chemotherapy kills cells that are in the process of splitting into 2 new cells. Body tissues are made of billions of individual cells. Once we are fully grown, most of the body’s cells don’t divide and multiply much. They only divide if they need to repair damage.

What is the meaning of the word chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease using chemicals. It is often used in treating cancer. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Collins!

How does a chemotherapist give a person chemotherapy?

Intravenous (IV) chemotherapy is injected into a vein. A small needle is inserted into a vein on the hand or lower arm. The needle usually is attached to a small tube called a catheter, which delivers the drug to the needle from an IV bag or bottle. Intramuscular (IM) chemotherapy is injected into a muscle.

How is chemotherapy used to treat skin cancer?

Topical chemotherapy is given as a cream or ointment applied directly to the cancer. This method is more common in treatment of certain types of skin cancer. Patients may take chemotherapy at home, in the doctor’s office, or as an inpatient or outpatient at the hospital.

How is chemotherapy given in the spinal fluid?

Chemotherapy given by catheter or port into the spinal fluid is called intrathecal (IT) administration. Catheters and ports also may be placed in the chest cavity, bladder, or pelvis, depending on the location of the cancer to be treated. Topical chemotherapy is given as a cream or ointment applied directly to the cancer.

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