What is the purpose of CTAE?

What is the purpose of CTAE? CTAE was formerly known as vocational education. “The mission of CTAE is to educate Georgia’s future workforce by engaging students in experiences that will prepare them for workplace success. Through CTAE, students see the relevance of their high school efforts to their future career goals…” (GaDOE). What is Georgia […]

What can you not do after hemorrhoid surgery?

What can you not do after hemorrhoid surgery? You will need to take it easy for a few days after hemorrhoid removal surgery. You will be encouraged to walk soon after surgery and while you recover. Avoid lifting, pulling, and strenuous activity as recommended by your doctor. Avoid straining during bowel movements or when urinating. […]

What are third degree felonies in Florida?

What are third degree felonies in Florida? Other examples of Florida third degree felonies are felony battery, a third time DUI which took place within 10 years of a prior DUI conviction, aggravated assault, possession of cocaine, carrying a concealed firearm without a license, resisting a law enforcement officer with violence, leaving the scene of […]

What is an example of enterprise social media?

What is an example of enterprise social media? Examples of such integrated enterprise social software services include Salesforce’s Chatter, Microsoft’s Sharepoint, Yammer, IBM’s Connections, Jive from Jive Software, Oracle’s Social Network, Cisco’s Webex Social, BlueKiwi from Atos, Cynapse’s Cyn.in, Tibbr, Telligent, MangoApps, Socialtext, Socialcast, and Ingage … What is Enterprise Social Media? Enterprise social networking […]

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