Why is Xcode archive disabled?

Why is Xcode archive disabled?

6 Answers. You’ve changed your scheme destination to a simulator instead of Generic iOS Device. Select “Any iOS Device” in newer versions of Xcode. And Archive Option will be enabled!

Why I cant archive my app in Xcode?

This can happen if you’ve added a framework/library you need to edit the Target->Build Settings of that library and set the ‘Skip Install’ setting to ‘Yes’. When you re-archive, XCode should start producing a ‘iOS App Archive’ again rather than a ‘generic xcode archive’.

Where is product archive in Xcode?

Archive Click Product -> Archive and wait for the archiving process to complete. The Organizer window should pop up, but if it doesn’t, click on Window -> Organizer.

How do I change generic iOS device to simulator Xcode?

However, I have Xcode 7.3. You will have options to select the simulator devices now. Go to BuildSettings, see Code Signing……19 Answers

  1. select Deployment section.
  2. change iOS Deployment Target to a version iOS 5.0 or less.
  3. now you can go ahead and change the deployment target from device to simulator!

How do I stop archiving in Xcode?

On the Xcode menu, select Product -> Edit Scheme… In the Build section, add the new target, then uncheck all the boxes except the one in the Archive column. This ensures the script will only be run on Archive.

Do I need to enroll in Apple Developer Program?

Who should enroll. You can learn how to develop apps for Apple platforms for free without enrolling. With just an Apple ID, you can access Xcode, software downloads, documentation, sample code, forums, and Feedback Assistant, as well as test your apps on devices. To distribute apps, join the Apple Developer Program.

Where is Product menu in Xcode?

In Xcode (7.3. 1), there are key bindings for an “Install” menu item under the “Product” menu. They can be seen by opening Xcode’s preferences, selecting the Key Bindings tab, and typing “Install” into the filter box.

Where is generic iOS device in Xcode?

The Generic iOS Device, under the Build Only Device section of the Device and Simulator drop-down menu, is used for when you need to archive your app, which means that you are preparing your app for submission to Apple (either to the App Store or Test Flight).

How do I download iOS simulator for Xcode?

To download a simulator

  1. In Xcode, choose Xcode > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, click Downloads.
  3. In Components, find the legacy simulator version you want to add, and click the Install button.

How do I Archive in Xcode 11?

For me this is what fixed the issue:

  1. Open terminal, and enter open ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/
  2. Delete all the contents of the Archives Folder.
  3. Restart Xcode & Open your project.
  4. Clean > Build > Archive.
  5. If solved, organiser window should pop open after archiving.

What is Xcode What is the current version of Xcode?

It was first released in 2003; the latest stable release is version 13.0, released on September 20, 2021, and is available via the Mac App Store free of charge for macOS Big Sur users. Registered developers can download preview releases and prior versions of the suite through the Apple Developer website.

Is there an enadled Archive option in Xcode?

Quitting and relaunching XCode sometimes helps. It usually does for me, if choosing an iOS device doesn’t do the trick. First you have to add a ios device then go to product on the top then click it after that you can get enadled Archive option .

Is it possible to archiving a SIM version in Xcode?

Archiving a sim version is possible on the terminal. Looking forward to Apple to enable it in Xcode, since you need it when distributing XCFrameworks. – naz

When is archive enabled in product > archive?

Product > Archive is only enabled when your scheme has a destination of “iOS Device” or an actual iOS device. Have you checked that? – rob mayoff Apr 17 ’13 at 4:08

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