Cual es la importancia social del cultivo de cafe?

¿Cuál es la importancia social del cultivo de café? La producción de café, es fuente generadora de empleos (tanto directos como indirectos) y de divisas para el país, así como para la conservación de la biodiversidad. Su importancia en la economía del país, es un factor determinante para el desarrollo de programas y apoyos al […]

Does MATLAB use zero based indexing?

Does MATLAB use zero based indexing? Accepted Answer MATLAB does not allow an index of zero into an array unless you are performing logical indexing using a vector including a logical 0 and want to ignore the corresponding element of the array into which you are indexing. How do you find the index of a […]

Which intangible assets are capitalized?

Which intangible assets are capitalized? Capitalized Costs for Intangible Assets Companies are allowed to capitalize costs associated with trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Capitalization is allowed only for costs incurred to defend or register a patent, trademark, or similar intellectual property successfully. Can intangible asset be Capitalised? Intangible assets are capitalized or expensed depending on their […]

Is ground cumin the same as ground cumin seeds?

Is ground cumin the same as ground cumin seeds? Usage Ideas. Cumin Seeds and ground cumin, although are same spice, they are used differently in recipes because of their totally different taste profile. Cumin seeds are used at the start of the cooking and they release their flavor when heated. Is cumin seeds better than […]

What do you do when you have no self confidence?

What do you do when you have no self confidence? Ways to Boost Low Self-Esteem Do something that makes you feel good. Stay physically active—exercise can help improve mood. Think about something you are good at. Keep a gratitude journal. Challenge a negative thought. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself. […]

Are all bikes made in China?

Are all bikes made in China? You will realize that the majority of bikes sold in the USA are produced in Taiwan and China by just a handful of manufacturers; Giant being the largest of them all. There are other countries that also produce bikes, although Asian factories account for almost 95% of bikes sold […]

Can you play Madden 07 PS2 on PS3?

Can you play Madden 07 PS2 on PS3? Sony claimed PS3 was reverse compatible which means that PS2 games can be played on the system. If this has changed and PS2 games can’t be played on the PS3, I won’t be buying the PS3. What was the best Madden on PS2? Released in 2000, Madden […]

What is grid computing explain?

What is grid computing explain? Grid computing is a group of networked computers which work together as a virtual supercomputer to perform large tasks, such as analysing huge sets of data or weather modeling. They use computers which are part of the grid only when idle and operators can perform tasks unrelated to the grid […]

What do brides usually use for Something Borrowed?

What do brides usually use for Something Borrowed? Some of the more traditional ideas to check that something-borrowed bullet point off your to-do list include borrowing your mother’s veil, a pair of shoes, a clutch, or a grandparent’s handkerchief. You may even consider wearing the wedding dress your mother or grandmother wore. What would a […]

How many cures are there Precure?

How many cures are there Precure? Mirages of the four main Cures in the Pretty Cure Palace they had to defeat to gain their Super Silhouette forms. Individually, they are known as Cure Blossom Mirage, Cure Marine Mirage, Cure Sunshine Mirage, and Cure Moonlight Mirage. Is Healin good Precure over? Pretty Cure on February 28, […]

Is Jim Moriarty in love with Sherlock?

Is Jim Moriarty in love with Sherlock? Moriarty was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and appeared to enjoy his role as a villain. Moriarty, like Sherlock, was willing to do anything to stop himself from getting bored. He was capable of frightening mood swings. Does Sherlock ever catch Moriarty? Despite him only twice appearing in Doyle’s […]

Does Glade cashmere woods smell good?

Does Glade cashmere woods smell good? Glade cashmere woods is not a bad option as well’s long lasting and smells really great. I will definitely recommend. What smell is cashmere woods? Scent Description: A lush woody fragrance with cedarwood, amber, musk and vanilla. What does cashmere fragrance smell like? A warm, herbal musky fragrance […]

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