What is the fees of PAF?

What is the fees of PAF?

Bachelor Programs Fee Structure for Batch – 2021

Fee Type Amount
Tuition Fee Fee Per Regular Semester National student: Rs.99,000/- International student: Rs.198,000/-
Fee Per Credit Hour (CH) National student: Rs.6,600/- International student: Rs.13,200/-
Admission Fee Rs.30,000/-

Is PAF Kiet a good university?

PAF Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET) was established in 1997. HEC ranks KIET as 8th best university in Business/IT category. KIET was awarded a degree-granting status through a charter from the government of Sindh on 24 May 2000.

What is the salary of Gd pilot in Pakistan?

Rs 2,767,980 (PKR)/yr.

Is PAF Kiet recognized?

Officially recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (PAF-KIET) is a small (uniRank enrollment range: 5,000-5,999 students) coeducational Pakistani higher education institution.

Is PAF Kiet government university?

HEC ranks KIET as 8th best university in Business/IT category. KIET was awarded a degree-granting status through a charter from the government of Sindh on 24 May 2000….Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology.

درسگاہِ کراچی برائے علومِ معاشیات و فنونِ سائنسی
Former name PAF-KIET
Type Private
Established 1997
Chancellor Mirza Zafar Hussain

What is the salary of chief warrant officer in PAF?

PKR 42,000
58 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Job Title Monthly Avg
Supervisor PKR 40,000
Associate Engineer PKR 40,000
Logistic Manager/superviosar PKR 41,538
Chief Warrant Officer PKR 42,000

What is the salary of Pilot Officer in PAF?

Pakistan Air Force Ranks and Salary

Rank Salary
Pilot Officer 45000 to 55000
Flying Officer 55000 to 65000
Flight Lieutenant 65000 to 75000
Squadron Lieutenant 80000 to 90000

What is salary of Flying Officer in PAF?

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