What is the synonym of inflated?

What is the synonym of inflated?

Some common synonyms of inflate are amplify, dilate, distend, expand, and swell.

What is the synonym for preoccupied?

Some common synonyms of preoccupied are absentminded, absent, abstracted, and distracted.

What is the synonym of engaged?

Having formally agreed to marry. betrothed. affianced. wedded. promised.

What is the synonym of accomplishment?

achievement, act, deed, exercise, exploit, performance, attainment, effort, feat, manoeuvre, operation, move, stunt, stratagem, coup, master stroke, stroke of genius, triumph.

What is a synonym and antonym for inflated?

inflatedadjective. Synonyms: filled, swelled, turgid, bulging, expanded, tumid, swollen, bloated. Antonyms: deflated.

What is the opposite of inflated balloon?

Opposite of to expand or be expanded through the act of filling. deflate. flatten. puncture. collapse.

What is the opposite of preoccupied?

Opposite of preoccupied with something to the exclusion of everything else. alert. bored. carefree. disenthralled.

What is the most common meaning of preoccupy?

1 : to engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or preferentially. 2 : to take possession of or fill beforehand or before another.

What is the best synonym for engaging?

synonyms for engaging

  • alluring.
  • appealing.
  • attractive.
  • captivating.
  • fascinating.
  • interesting.
  • intriguing.
  • inviting.

What are two synonyms for engagement?

synonyms for engagement

  • commitment.
  • obligation.
  • pact.
  • assurance.
  • betrothal.
  • bond.
  • compact.
  • contract.

What are antonyms for accomplishments?

Antonyms for accomplishment. naught. (also nought), nonfulfillment.

What’s an antonym for accomplishment?

What is the opposite of accomplishment?

failure fail
forfeit bust
dud debacle
bomb miss
wreck mess

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