Who is Adam Jensen based on?

Who is Adam Jensen based on?

5. Adam was likely inspired by the character Alex Murphy. Adam preparing for combat. Adam’s beginning in Deus Ex: Human Revolution parallels that of Alex Murphy, better known as RoboCop.

What happened Adam Jensen?

Jensen’s body is recovered from the wreckage of Panchaea by an Illuminati-controlled recovery team, and is secretly sent to a facility in the Baltic Sea. However, the events that transpired there are unclear.

How much of Adam Jensen is cybernetic?

His most impressive feat, however, is him being able to talk a depressed man out of suicide while he had a gun pointed at his own temple. Cybernetic Enhancements: Adam’s DNA has an abnormal tolerance towards cybernetics, which resulted in 50% of his body being replaced.

How many augmentations does Adam Jensen have?

28 augmentations
Adam Jensen is a man-shaped Swiss Army knife. There are 28 augmentations hidden inside his body—including seven new ones for Mankind Divided—and your play style will be determined by the ones you choose to activate and upgrade.

Is Adam Jensen a clone?

At the black site facility in the Baltic Sea, Adam Jensen’s memories were implanted into a clone body having the same DNA and appearance as his previous body. This clone body inherited the memories and effectively “became” Adam Jensen.

Is JC Denton a clone of Adam Jensen?

In his twenties, Denton begins the first Deus Ex as a new graduate of UNATCO, and a prized nano-augmented agent. JC is initially dedicated to his duties but is influenced by his brother, fellow nano-augmented UNATCO agent Paul Denton.

Is Jensen a clone?

Where is Adam Jensen during Deus Ex?

Side Missions In 2029, Adam Jensen lives in Prague, in apartment 43 of the Zeleň Apartments building located in the Překážka district.

Is Janus Volkard Rand?

Totally plausible that the bald guy (Volkard Rand) is Janus. This is because Volkard Rand was replaced by Bob Page on the council of five. So maybe what happened was that Jensen exposed Volkard as Janus, and that allowed Page to get a seat on the council of five.

Who put the experimental Augs in Jensen?

Then Adam was transferred to the WHO facility in Alaska for recovery, and the subsequent events are covered by Black Light. That’s right. As far as we know, the “black site facility in the Baltic Sea” is where Jensen got his augs, and Vadim Orlov (the dead scientist) is the one who installed them.

Is JC Denton human?

Voice actor JC Denton is the nano-augmented player character and protagonist in Deus Ex and a major character in Deus Ex: Invisible War. JC, along with his sibling Alex Denton, is a clone of his brother Paul Denton.

What happened to Adam Jensen after mankind divided?

Later that month, Mankind Divided came out, along with Black Light, a novel that focused on Jensen and Francis Pritchard during the aftermath of the first game’s ending. Mankind Divided takes place two years after Human Revolution, with Jensen now working as part of Interpol’s anti-terrorist team Task Force 29.

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