Where can I donate clothes during a crisis?

Where can I donate clothes during a crisis?

Many communities work together to gather clothing donations during these times of crisis thanks to the American Red Cross or other similar organizations which accept clothing donations. But, be sure to only send clothes WHEN they are requested!

Where can I donate used clothing for veterans?

ClothingDonations.org is a service of Vietnam Veterans of America. needs of all veterans. WHO ARE MY DONATIONS HELPING? ClothingDonations.org is a service of Vietnam Veterans of America.

Where can I drop off clothes for the American Red Cross?

Find a GreenDrop goods and clothing donation drop-off center near you, or schedule an at-home clothing donation pick up to benefit the American Red Cross. GreenDrop is accepting clothing donation drop offs in order to help fund the American Red Cross.

How does clothingdonations.org help Vietnam Veterans?

ClothingDonations.org is a service of Vietnam Veterans of America. needs of all veterans. the nation and elsewhere. VVA is funded primarily by various fund-raising activities and its membership. HOW DOES IT ALL WORK? donation to the VVA. schedule online here.

What kind of clothes can you donate to the Salvation Army?

Accepted donations: The Salvation Army accepts all kinds of clothing donations, including men’s, women’s and children’s clothes and accessories. They also accept other goods such as furniture, appliances and other household items.

Where can I donate clothing for Vietnam Veterans?

CLOTHING DONATIONS Clothing donations made through Pick Up Please help support the Vietnam Veterans of America, a national non-profit organization that assists American veterans of all wars, as well as their families. Pick Up Please accepts all types and sizes of clothing, from baby sweaters to junior’s dresses to men’s sportswear.

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