Can geophagus live with plants?

Can geophagus live with plants?

Geos don’t eat plants but appreciate some zucchini or corn in their diet. You could also plant amazon swords in clay pots which you could hide with rocks.

Do planted tanks need special substrate?

There are several brands of inert substrates created for planted tanks, such as CaribSea Eco-Complete and Seachem Flourite. Regular gravel works well even with Amazon swords and other root-feeding plants, as long as you keep the substrate fertilized with root tabs.

Can you put cichlids in a planted tank?

The cichlids (Cichlidae) are a fish family very rich in species, containing about 1700 of them. The large cichlids from Africa are not really suitable for a planted aquarium, though. Plants are sparse in their natural habitats, and in the aquarium the fish basically consider them food.

Is geophagus fish Hardy?

They grow to a maximum of 25 cm (10 inches). These fish should not be kept in pairs but in harems, and their behavior is similar to that of Lake Malawi mbuna. These cichlids are very hardy and also breed readily in the aquarium; they are ovophilic mouthbrooders.

What substrate should I use for my planted aquarium?

Aquarium soil, such as UNS Controsoil or Aquario NEO Soil, is typically a clay-based substrate full of nutrients that excel plant growth. It is the best substrate for aquarium plants and a must-have for a high-tech planted tank.

Which substrate is best for aquarium?

For most aquarium fish, typical gravel substrate is sufficient. It comes in lots of colors to suit your tankscape and is made specifically for fish tanks. If you have bottom feeders, such as catfish and loaches, they may benefit from a sandy substrate that isn’t so heavy to move.

What do you need for a planted aquarium?

Recommended Aquarium Equipment:

  1. Power filter.
  2. 100W Submersible Heater.
  3. Coralife Digital Thermometer.
  4. Planted Aquarium Substrate.
  5. Freshwater LED Light.
  6. 3 Driftwood.
  7. 16 oz Stress Coat® Plus.
  8. Test Kit.

Can Severums be kept in a planted tank?

Severums will eat some plants, but are not voracious plant destroyers. I have had little problem keeping them in fully planted tanks. They will not uproot any plants except possibly just before spawning.

How deep should planted aquarium substrate be?

No matter the plant, no matter the tank size, have a substrate layer that is at least 2 inches deep. This will allow for your rooting plants to sufficiently grow. Also, when planning out your scape, try to create the illusion of depth by increasing the depth of the substrate towards the back of your tank.

What kind of substrate do you use in a fish tank?

Substrate soil from your local fish store is specially formulated to prevent it from mixing with water while also providing the nutrients necessary for your plants to grow. Soil is specifically used in planted tanks. If you do not plan on growing live plants in your tank, then you should use a different substrate.

What do you call an aquarium with no substrate?

An aquarium without any substrate is referred to as a bare bottom tank. A bare bottom tank has pros and cons. For example, it limits the type of fish you can choose – any fish that hides in the substrate or scavenges through it for food is unsuitable for a bare bottom tank.

What kind of soil to use in fish tank?

Substrate soil from your local fish store is specially formulated to prevent it from mixing with water while also providing the nutrients necessary for your plants to grow. Soil is specifically used in planted tanks.

Is it safe to use store bought substrate in an aquarium?

Well, that could introduce bacteria, dust, chemicals and other nasties that could kill your fish. Play it safe and stick to store-bought substrates. Up to this point, all the substrates I mentioned have been inert. What this essentially means is that the material will not change the quality or chemistry of the water.

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