How do you say your timeline is tight?

How do you say your timeline is tight?

»tight schedule exp. »very short deadlines exp. »very short time exp. »very strict deadlines exp.

What is another word for tight deadline?

What is another word for deadline?

zero hour crunch
accident danger
tight corner desperate straits
urgent situation unforeseen circumstances
stress constraint

How do you use tight schedule in a sentence?

Example sentences tight schedule

  1. Because they were on such a tight schedule, they had to get her on the first flight.
  2. Given the tight schedule of matches over the festive period, clubs often prefer light training sessions of one to two hours a day.

What is the opposite of tight schedule?

What is the opposite of tight schedule?

easy schedule quiet schedule
clear agenda empty schedule
free schedule

What’s another word for timeline?

What is another word for timeline?

agenda timetable
itinerary record
schedule calendar
chronology docket
logbook outline

What do you call a person who always meets the deadline?

punctual 1-19-2016 2:11pm. Punctual. Reliable.

How do you deal with tight deadlines?

Five tips for dealing with impossibly tight deadlines

  1. Clear your work schedule. Start by clearing your schedule and to-do list of anything that isn’t a high priority.
  2. Get help from the beginning.
  3. Break the project down.
  4. Work on it one step at a time.
  5. Have a disclaimer in proposals and quotes.

What is the synonym of busy schedule?

Some common synonyms of busy are assiduous, diligent, industrious, and sedulous.

How do you say full schedule?

Finally, let’s look at some ways to talk about a busy day or schedule.

  1. It is hectic. We use this expression when we have many things and activities to do. “Hectic” means to be very busy and full of activity.
  2. It is packed. When used to talk about one’s schedule, then this means that our schedule is full.
  3. It is full.

How do I say my calendar is empty?

We can also say, “I’m pretty open next week” to mean “my schedule is open next week.” As an aside, I’ve been known to say, “My schedule is sparsely populated,” but that was only in places where I could get away with sounding a bit odd or quirky; I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that wording for day-to-day use.

How do you say your calendar is full?

Which is an example of a very tight timeline?

First, as the timeline was very tight, proposal development may not have been as evidence based as one would hope. Money is very tight. Time is very tight. It is very tight and beautiful. The league is very tight this season. It is very tight 24-7. Spare capacity is very tight.

Which is the best definition of a tight schedule?

Definition of tight schedule. : a small amount of time to do something We have a tight schedule to get this project done.

Why is Congress on such a tight timeline?

The fact that the House and Senate are taking different approaches means another round of congressional negotiations must occur before a bill could be sent to the White House, putting lawmakers on a tight timeline if they want to finish before Memorial Day.

Why are space shuttles on a tight timeline?

To stay on a tight timeline, the aging space shuttle fleet must be kept flying so that the international space station can be completed before the shuttles’ scheduled retirement in 2010. Show more… “We have a tight timeline”.

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