What does it mean when your hands lock up?

What does it mean when your hands lock up?

Do your fingers lock up when you’re holding something or working with your hands? You may be experiencing trigger finger, a painful condition that makes it hard to move or use your fingers. Many people experience trigger finger, and it’s the fourth most common reason doctors refer patients to hand surgery clinics.

What is the best thing to do for a trigger finger?


  • Rest. Avoid activities that require repetitive gripping, repeated grasping or the prolonged use of vibrating hand-held machinery until your symptoms improve.
  • A splint. Your doctor may have you wear a splint at night to keep the affected finger in an extended position for up to six weeks.
  • Stretching exercises.

Can trigger finger be cured?

If left untreated, trigger finger can become permanent. If the affected finger or thumb becomes stuck in one position, it can make day-to-day tasks more difficult. However, trigger finger is curable without surgery in most cases.

Can arthritis cause your hands to lock up?

Sometimes, the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis can be so severe that it causes joints to lock up, unable to be moved. This happens because the tendons surrounding a joint have become so inflamed that joint movement is rendered nearly impossible.

What is diabetic hand syndrome?

The tropical diabetic hand syndrome (TDHS) is a complication affecting patients with diabetes mellitus in the tropics. The syndrome encompasses a localized cellulitis with variable swelling and ulceration of the hands, to progressive, fulminant hand sepsis, and gangrene affecting the entire limb.

Will trigger finger go away on its own?

Trigger finger can recur but the condition generally corrects itself after a short while. More severe cases may become locked in the bent position and require surgery to correct it.

Will trigger finger go away by itself?

How do you fix locked joints?

Both types of locked knee typically require pain medications, ice, and rest. A doctor may also recommend physical therapy to help restore movement in the knee joint. If these measures do not work, some form of surgery may be necessary.

Why do my joints lock and pop?

Popping joints can occur for any number of reasons, including normal fluid and gas in your joints, rubbing of bone or cartilage in your joints against each other, and movements of your tendons and ligaments. While this rarely causes pain, it can be unsettling, especially if it occurs frequently or is significant.

Why has my hand seized up?

Spasms, or cramps, are involuntary contractions in the hands or feet. The most common sources of spasms include overused muscles and dehydration. Prolonged writing or typing can lead to hand cramping from overuse of the muscles. Other reasons for cramping are low levels of calcium and magnesium.

Why do my hand joints lock up?

Arthritis leads to joint locking because as the cartilage wears away, the ends of the bones that form a joint become rough. With severe disease, bone rubs on bone.

What causes finger joints to lock up?

Locking fingers are caused when the flexor tendon in one or more fingers becomes irritated, making it harder for the tendon to slide smoothly through the tendon sheath tunnel.

What is causing my Trigger finger or thumb to lock?

Trigger finger, or stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition that occurs when the flexor tendon in the hand becomes irritated, causing your fingers or thumb to lock momentarily and shoot forward.

How do you cure trigger finger?

Since trigger finger is caused by inflammation of the tendon, stretching out these muscles and tendons is an effective way to help alleviate the stiffness that is causing the problem. Hot and cold therapy is another way to help treat trigger finger in combination with stretching.

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