What is a NCOA report?

What is a NCOA report?

Each time you process a file with TrueNCOA you will receive a free NCOA Report. This provides you with details regarding the number of 18 and 48 month moves; the number of expired, vacant, and invalid addresses; your potential cost savings and more.

What is USPS NCOA?

NCOA (National Change of Address) or NCOALink is a data set containing approximately 160 million permanent change-of-address records filed with the United States Postal Service® in the last 48 months. This list consists of names and addresses of individuals, families, and businesses who have filed a change of address.

How do I use NCOA?

Q: How does this service work? A: NCOA processing matches your customer records against the NCOA database, using both family (last name only) and individual (first and last name) match logic. Address information provided by you includes the ZIP+4 Code. Then, an attempt is made to match addresses against the NCOA file.

What does NCOA stand for?

National Change of Address
It stands for National Change of Address — a secure database that holds 160 million permanent change-of-address records. NCOA is a product of the United States Postal Service, which is better known by its own initialism, USPS.

Is NCOA required by USPS?

This standard requires mailers who claim presorted or automation prices for First-Class Mail® or Standard Mail® service to demonstrate that they have updated their mailing list within 95 days before the mailing date. Use an NCOA service every 95 days to stay USPS compliant and to benefit from bulk mailing rates.

How much does NCOA cost?

USPS NCOALink Pricing
Records Price Std. Turnaround
Up to 1 Million $1.60 ($1.20) 1-2 Business Days
Up to 5 Million $0.95 ($0.75) 1-2 Business Days
Over 5 Million $0.55 ($0.50) 1-2 Business Days

What is the NCOA database?

NCOA stands for National Change of Address. It is a database of 160+ million change-of-address records. Each record contains the name of the mover, the old “moved from” address, the new “moved to” address, or, if no address is available, a reason why.

Is NCOA required?

Is NCOA mandatory?

NCOA is not a mandatory program for Airmen since Course 15 meets the requirement for the rank of master sergeant; however it is an optional opportunity to further develop leadership skills.

How long does an NCOA last?

If a person or company files a change of address with the United States Postal Service® the information is maintained on the NCOALinkTM database for 48 months.

What is NCOA Link?

The NCOALink Product is a secure dataset of approximately 160 million permanent change-of-address (COA) records consisting of names and addresses of individuals, families, and businesses who have filed a change-of-address with the Postal Service™.

Who can go to NCOA?

The new NCOA is available to all Airmen with seven to 12 years in service regardless of rank, while limiting Airmen with more than 12 years in service to the computer-based training portion only.

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