Is there such a word as distressful?

Is there such a word as distressful?

The definition of distressful is something that causes pain, unhappiness, anxiety or fear. News of a serious illness is an example of something that would be distressful.

What is a distressful situation?

Emotional distress is a state of mental anguish that can take a wide variety of forms. It may result from a mental health issue or particular circumstances, such as relationship difficulties or financial strain.

What is the make sentence of distress?

Distress sentence example. I will spend all my life, and give all that I have, to lessen the distress and sorrow with which this world seems filled. He was naturally compassionate towards objects in distress even to an effeminate measure; though God had made him a heart wherein was left little room for fear,.

How do you use the word distress?

Distressing sentence example

  1. It must be distressing , trying to make logical plans about your future.
  2. What emotions were distressing her this time?
  3. As she continued to ask these distressing questions, we left the cemetery.
  4. Our last session on the day ended on a sad note that was very distressing to Howie.

What is the opposite of distressful?

Opposite of extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. comfort. consolation. solace.

What is an example of distress?

An example of distress, might be an injury that removes us from exercise, the death of a loved one, not getting into the college of our choice, or loosing our job. These are common things that we might associate with negative stress.Kh

What are 5 examples of eustress?

The excitement of a roller-coaster ride, a scary movie, or a fun challenge are all examples of eustress. The anticipation of a first date, the first day at a new job, or other exciting firsts also fall under the umbrella of eustress. Eustress is a type of stress that is actually important for us to have in our lives.

What is distress with example?

The definition of distress is suffering or pain, or a state of being in trouble. A feeling of great sadness and despair is an example of distress. An example of distress is when you tell someone bad news and cause him to feel sad.

What are the example of distress?

What is distressful psychology?

Psychological distress refers to non-specific symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. High levels of psychological distress are indicative of impaired mental health and may reflect common mental disorders, like depressive and anxiety disorders [1].Farv

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