What is meant by Width Length Depth and consistency of product mix?

What is meant by Width Length Depth and consistency of product mix?

Thus, it has a rather limited width. The product mix length refers to the total number of items a company carries within the product lines. Consistency refers to how closely related the product lines are in terms of end use, production requirements, distribution channels or any other way.

What is consistency in product mix?

Consistency. Product mix consistency refers to how closely products are linked to each other. Less the variation among products, more the consistency. For example, a company dealing in just dairy products has more consistency than a company dealing in all types of electronics.

What are the four dimensions of product mix?

Product mix, also known as product assortment, refers to the total number of product lines a company offers to its customers. The four dimensions to a company’s product mix include width, length, depth and consistency.

What is a product mix length?

Length refers to the total number of products in a firm’s product mix. For example, consider a car company with two car product lines (3-series and 5-series).

What is a product mix width?

Width:- The width of the product mix refers to how many product lines the company carries. For Example:- proctor & gamble markets a fairly wide product mix consisting of many product lines including. food, household, cleaning , mechanical, cosmetics and personal care products.

What is product width?

Product width refers to the number of different product lines a business manufactures or sells while product depth refers to the # of items within each product line.

How are product length and width related to product mix?

Where length and width were a function of the number of product lines, the depth of the product mix is the total number of products within a product line. Thus if a company has 4 product lines and 10 products in each product line, than the product mix depth is 10.

What does product mix and product line depth mean?

Product line depth. It is fairly easy to understand what depth of the product mix will mean. Where length and width were a function of the number of product lines, the depth of the product mix is the total number of products within a product line.

What does depth, width and consistency mean?

Width : Number of different product lines carries by the company. Length : Total Number of items in the product line. Depth : Number of version offered of each product in the line. Consistency : Closely related the various product lines. 4.

What does consistency mean in a product mix?

Finally, the consistency of a product mix completes our four product mix decisions. Consistency refers to how closely related the product lines are in terms of end use, production requirements, distribution channels or any other way.

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