Are slime molds pathogenic?

Are slime molds pathogenic? Although slime molds are not pathogenic to plants, they occasionally cause indirect injury when they cover and shade plant tissues for extended periods of time. Slime molds are fungi in the class Myxomycetes. These are cosmopolitan organisms that feed on bacteria, protozoa, and other tiny organisms. Is slime mold harmless? The […]

Where is the juxtaglomerular apparatus located in the nephron?

Where is the juxtaglomerular apparatus located in the nephron? glomerulus The JGA is located at the vascular pole of the glomerulus, where a portion of the distal nephron comes into contact with its parent glomerulus. Where is the location of juxtaglomerular cells? kidney Juxtaglomerular cells (JG cells), also known as granular cells are cells in […]

What is a good 7 mile run time?

What is a good 7 mile run time? When you get started, your 7-mile run may take 90-minutes and require you to fuel during it. In a year, that same 7 miles might be over in 50 minutes, meaning you can leave the bottle at home. Is it OK to stop on long runs? Taking […]

How do I reset my Maytag coin dryer?

How do I reset my Maytag coin dryer? If the dryer needs to be reset simply because the cycle needs to be changed, stopped or altered, press “Power/Cancel” once to cancel the current cycle. Select the new desired cycle, followed by any modifiers and cycle options. Then press “Start/Pause” to begin the new cycle. What […]

How is information lost from memory?

How is information lost from memory? If our memories gradually decayed over time, then people should not have clear memories of distant events which have lain dormant for several years. However, there is evidence to suggest that information is lost from sensory memory through the process of decay (Sperling, 1960). How does information get to […]

What are the different types of photography prints?

What are the different types of photography prints? Types of Photographic Prints The Photogravure. The photogravure is what’s known as a “photo-mechanical” process and though today, it is an obscure printing process, it is fascinating nonetheless. Daguerreotypes. Platinum Prints. Gelatin Silver Prints. Chromogenic Prints. Digital C-Prints. Giclee and Inkjet Prints. What are the four methods […]

How can I create my own logo?

How can I create my own logo? Here are the most important steps to designing a logo: — Understand why you need a logo. Define your brand identity. Find inspiration for your design. Check out the competition. Choose your design style. Find the right type of logo. Pay attention to color. Pick the right typography. […]

Is there real mummies in Egypt?

Is there real mummies in Egypt? Mummification was practiced throughout most of early Egyptian history. The earliest mummies from prehistoric times probably were accidental. By chance, dry sand and air (since Egypt has almost no measurable rainfall) preserved some bodies buried in shallow pits dug into the sand. Who was the most famous Egyptian mummy? […]

What is the most famous speech ever given?

What is the most famous speech ever given? I Have a Dream Speech Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream Speech” in 1963 reminds people there is always something better on the horizon. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr., delivered what is arguably the most famous and most inspiring speech in […]

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