What does Sera mean in Tibetan?

What does Sera mean in Tibetan?

Highlights and Travel Tips. Built on a hill that was once blanketed with roses, the monastery gets its name from the Tibetan word sera, meaning rose. The Sera Monastery was founded in 1419 by a disciple of Je Tsongkhapa.

Can I stay in a monastery in Tibet?

Strictly speaking, foreign tourists cannot stay inside a Tibet monastery, considering the safety issue and religious taboos. They can only spend a night in the guesthouse provided by the monastery.

How many monks does Seramey monastery have?

As none of the monks of the Ngagpa Dratsang (Tantric College) had survived the invasion, only the Sera Mey College and Sera Jey College were re-formed in India. The Bylakuppe Monastery now houses 5,000 Buddhist monks comprising some migrants and many other Tibetans who were not born in their ancestral homeland.

Can you visit Tibetan monks?

According to Tibet Travel Policy, international tourists can’t spend the night inside a Tibetan monastery or live with Tibetan monks. However, you can stay in the guesthouse of the monastery if there is one for the visitors.

Can Tibetan monks marry?

Buddhists monks choose not to marry and remain celibate while living in the monastic community. This is so that they can focus on achieving enlightenment . Monks do not have to spend the rest of their life in the monastery – they are completely free to re-enter mainstream society and some only spend a year as a monk.

How do you get to monastery in Tibet?

Travel Tips for Visiting Tibetan Monasteries If you are walking around, walk in a clockwise direction, the same as when walking around a kora route, and refrain from taking photos of the interior of the monastery, unless you have permission from the monks. This usually comes with a monetary “donation”.

Do Tibetan monks marry?

Do monks get paid?

The salaries of Buddhist Monks in the US range from $18,280 to $65,150 , with a median salary of $28,750 . The middle 50% of Buddhist Monks makes $28,750, with the top 75% making $65,150.

Is divorce allowed in Buddhism?

Most Buddhists accept divorce and remarriage because: there is no religious content to a marriage in between Buddhists and so ‘undoing’ that marriage is not a religious problem. an unhappy marriage may cause suffering, therefore Buddhists may feel divorce is the best option to avoid further suffering.

Can monks drink alcohol?

Alcohol consumption had existed long before the tradition of drinking Siy (fermented) and eating meat became a documented social practice in the 13th century. Nowadays drinking alcoholic beverage by a monk is unacceptable from the point of view of the code of conduct for Buddhist monks.

Who lives in Lhasa now?

Two Tibetan Muslim communities have lived in Lhasa with distinct homes, food and clothing, language, education, trade and traditional herbal medicine. By the 15th century, the city of Lhasa had risen to prominence following the founding of three large Gelugpa monasteries by Je Tsongkhapa and his disciples.

How much does it cost to stay at a monastery?

– WebsitesThough most convents and religious hospices charge a modest fee of $20 or so (and are often found in places of pilgrimage, Rome being the biggest example), many monasteries will take in travelers absolutely free of charge.

How big is the Sera Monastery in Tibet?

The monastery was named Sera which means wild rose in the Tibetan language, because the hill behind it was covered with wild roses in bloom when it was built. The monastery is magnificent and covers an area of 114,946 square meters (28 acres).

Who was the founder of the Lhasa Sera Monastery?

It is dedicated to the Gelugpa or Yellow Hat Sect, a branch of Tibetan Buddhism, founded by Tsong Khapa. Jamchen Chojey, one of Tsong Khapa’s disciples built it in 1419 during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Which is the best monastery in Lhasa for Buddhism?

Sera Monastery in Lhasa is one of the “top six main monasteries of Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism” and regarded as the “three great Lhasa monasteries” together with Drepung Monastery and Ganden Monastery.

When is the Sera Bengqin Festival in Tibet?

The Sera Bengqin Festival is a grand festival held in the Sera Monastery on December 27 of the Tibetan calendar (about February in the Gregorian calendar). On that day, a Dorje Pestle is carried to the Potala Palace. The Dalai Lama prays to the Buddha to confer strength and then he blesses the pestle.

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