Who is the guy at the beginning of Prometheus?

Who is the guy at the beginning of Prometheus?

Janek, the pilot of the Prometheus played by Idris Elba, largely stays out of the fray, watching from a safe distance from the comfort of his ship.

Where was the opening scene of Prometheus?

Dettifoss (Falling Waterfall) is an amazing waterfall. No wonder Riddley Scott chose this spectacular scenery to be the background of the opening scene of his movie Prometheus(2012).

What was the alien doing at the beginning of Prometheus?

The Engineer was on a lifeless planet (one of many). He knowingly drank the black fluid, accepting with peace that this would end his life. His body was torn apart, seeding the planet with fragments of his DNA, which eventually formed the life on whatever planet he was on.

What does the engineer say Prometheus?

David speaks to the Engineer and he turns to David, places his hand on his head almost to say “I am pleased, but also I am sorry”.

Is Alien: Covenant the sequel to Prometheus?

Prometheus was followed-up with Alien: Covenant in 2017. That film seemed even more polarizing, and was considered a box office disappointment after grossing $240 million.

Does Prometheus have a sequel?

Alien: Covenant
However, Scott’s next installment Alien: Covenant was an unheralded return to form and, while the Prometheus sequel always had its work cut out, the 2017 release remains a stronger, more focused prequel that is true to the spirit of the original Alien.

Was aliens filmed in Scotland?

Scotland has continued to feature in alien-themed TV and film plots since the 1950s’ B-movies. With Johansson playing an alien, scenes were shot in Glencoe and Glasgow. Scenes for the Ridley Scott-directed 2012 sci-fi Prometheus, starring Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron, were shot on Skye.

Was Prometheus filmed on Skye?

So it’s hardly a surprise that film director Ridley Scott has chosen the Isle of Skye as one of the locations for his new alien sci-fi blockbuster Prometheus. The film, which is due for release on June 1, has a star line-up including Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, and Charlize Theron.

Who saved Prometheus from Zeus punishment?

For his crimes, Prometheus was punished by Zeus, who bound him with chains and sent an eagle to eat Prometheus’ immortal liver every day, which then grew back every night. Years later, the Greek hero Heracles, with Zeus’ permission, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from this torment (521–529).

What did the engineer say to David in the deleted scene?

As Shaw heads back to the crashed Engineer ship, she asks David what the Engineer said to him about where he came from. David replies that there is no direct translation but several human cultures had a word similar to it — that word was “paradise”.

Is there a second part to the covenant?

While the film performed well despite the poor reviews the studio probably decided they would be pushing their luck with The Covenant 2. Given that little has been heard about The Covenant 2 since 2006, the studio has almost certainly moved on from the property, making a sequel a dim possibility.

What was going on in the opening scene of Prometheus?

Mythicly, this was Osiris giving up his life on the bank of a river in order to create plant life on the Nile. It was Prometheus stealing fire for mankind, only to suffer punishment in Hades for all eternity. About the opening, Ridley Scott says that it could be any planet, at any time.

How did the engineers create life in Prometheus?

As the opening scenes of Prometheus show us, the Engineers spread their DNA all over the galaxy, creating life on various planets. We happen to be an offshoot of that DNA. Scott has said the Engineers often check in on their creations… and are disappointed in what they see.

Do you read this post before you see Prometheus?

No seriously– do not read this post until you have seen Prometheus. This post intends to break down all of the lingering questions about the movie, most of which come late in the film and all of which are much more fun to think about yourself as you watch the movie than to let yahoos like us tell you what to think.

What happens to Shaw and David in Prometheus?

Shortly after Prometheus, the director teased the sequel would have found Shaw and David reaching the Engineer homeworld, which Scott called ” Paradise” – only to find the planet is anything but. Shaw was still very much the lead during this period, with Scott even labeling it essential that she and David remain alive.

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