What happened in Chapter 34 of Tom Sawyer?

What happened in Chapter 34 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 34: Floods of Gold Sid comes in and informs them that the party is being given in honor of the Welshman, Mr. Jones, and his sons, and that Mr. Jones plans to surprise everyone by announcing that Huck was the real hero. Tom bursts out, “Huck don’t need it.

What happens in Chapter 36 of Tom Sawyer?

The story of Tom’s and Huck’s adventure causes a huge stir among the townspeople. Grown men go around ripping up every haunted house for miles, looking for more treasure—but nobody finds any. Tom’s and Huck’s guardians invest the money, and soon each boy has an income of a dollar every…

What happened at the end of Tom Sawyer?

At the end of the book, Injun Joe is out of the picture. Tom and Huck are hometown heroes. Huck has saved the Widow Douglas’s life, and Tom has managed to escape from the caves with Becky. The book ends with Tom and Huck making plans to begin Tom Sawyer’s Gang and become robbers that very night.

What did Aunt Polly and the Widow Douglas do with the money?

Both the widow Douglas and Aunt Polly invest the boys’ money. The boys are entitled to an allowance of a dollar each weekday and every other Sunday. Money now has a hold over the boys’ lives. It accrues interest on schedule as routinely as the school week starts each Monday.

Who was employed Tom Sawyer jealous?

As Tom did earlier, Becky now tries to get Tom’s attention by showing off, by inviting other children to her picnic. As Tom continues to ignore her, Becky decides to make Tom jealous and she seeks out the company of Alfred Temple.

What food do Tom and Becky have left from the picnic?

They are both very hungry, and Tom shares a piece of cake that he had saved from the picnic. Suddenly, Becky realizes that her mother will think she is spending the night at the Harper’s house and that they won’t be missed until sometime Sunday.

What happens in Chapter 32 of Tom Sawyer?

From Huck, Tom learns of the wild night on the widow’s property and that the body of the stranger turned up in the river—presumably he drowned while trying to escape. The death of Injun Joe’s companion confirms Joe’s status as a complete outsider. Tom is aghast and blurts out that Injun Joe is inside the cave.

What happened in Chapter 30 in Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 30: Tom and Becky in the Cave Huck then describes how he followed the intruders the previous night. The Welshman tells him that the package the two men were carrying contained burglary tools, which relieves Huck considerably, because it means that the treasure must still be in the tavern.

Who does Tom Sawyer end up with?

He loses much of his glory, however, when, in response to a question to show off his knowledge, he incorrectly answers that the first two disciples were David and Goliath. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get “engaged” to him.

Who took Huckleberry Finn’s son?

Pap Finn is Huck’s abusive, drunken father who shows up at the beginning of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and forcibly takes his son to live with him.

How is Widow Douglas a hypocrite?

Huck is observing that the Widow Douglas is a hypocrite because she will not allow Huck to smoke tobacco. Of course, Huck doesn’t use those words, but he essentially has observed the situation correctly.

What made Tom jealous?

As Tom did earlier, Becky now tries to get Tom’s attention by showing off, by inviting other children to her picnic. As Tom continues to ignore her, Becky decides to make Tom jealous and she seeks out the company of Alfred Temple.

What is the ending of Tom Sawyer?

The ending of Tom Sawyer served Twain as a jumping off point for his next novel, which he would not complete for another eight years: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It is as though he had discovered his favorite character in Huck, a person who lived apart from normal society and who, from the perspective of an outsider, would be able to criticize it.

What is short summary of “the adventures of Tom Sawyer”?

‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ Summary. Tom Sawyer is a young boy living with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River . He seems to most enjoy getting into trouble. After missing school one day (and getting into a fight), Tom is punished with the task of whitewashing a fence .

What are some metaphors in Tom Sawyer?

1 Answer. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer there are many metaphors. St. Petersburg symbolizes America or society, and going to Jackson Island symbolizes leaving society (the storm is showing the dangers of this).

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