What is another way to say call a spade a spade?

What is another way to say call a spade a spade?

What is another word for call a spade a spade?

be direct be blunt
be candid be straightforward
be to the point shoot from the hip
speak frankly speak honestly
pull no punches come clean

What is meaning of to call a spade a spade?

See synonyms for call a spade a spade on Thesaurus.com. To speak directly and bluntly; to avoid euphemism: “The prosecutor said, ‘Let’s call a spade a spade. You didn’t borrow the money, you stole it. ‘”

What else can you call a spade?

Chapman struck a similar note in his Thesaurus of American Slang (1989). “All these terms will give deep offense if used by nonblacks,” warned Chapman, listing “spade” in a group that included words like blackbird, shade, shadow, skillet and smoke.

Is call a spade a spade an idiom?

The idiom call a spade a spade has its roots in Classical Greece. To call a spade a spade means to speak the unvarnished truth, to speak plainly and without embellishment and without softening the hard realities of that truth.

How do you call a spade a spade?

Example Sentences

  1. That dress made her look fat, let’s call a spade a spade before she goes out wearing it and embarrasses herself.
  2. He failed the exam twice. If you were to call a spade a spade then you would not push him to give it again.
  3. Parents are often reluctant to see any faults in their children.

What is spade slang for?

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person.

What does spading mean in slang?

Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a black person. Idiom: in spades.

What does spade mean in slang?

What does a spade mean in a text?

What does spade mean in text?

What is black spade?

Idioms. Various idioms involving the ace of spades include “black as the ace of spades,” which may refer either to completely black; totally without light or colour, color, race, (lack of) morality, or (lack of) cleanliness in a person.

What does this ♠ mean?

♠️ It shows a full black spade. This emoji represents the suit of spades used in playing cards. Spade Suit Emoji is mostly associated with poker and card game texts. The Spade Suit Emoji appeared in 1993, and also known as the Spades Symbol.

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