Where are Zon basses made?

Where are Zon basses made?

Offered in Mosaic, Sonus and Legacy models, these basses are handcrafted in Korea to Zon’s exact specifications and rigid quality requirements. All of these basses are final-inspected for fit and finish and setup at Zon Guitars’ Redwood City, California, facility before final shipping to dealers.

What happened Zon?

Zon was dropped from CBS after a thorough corporate housecleaning of the A&R Department despite Zon already having their contract signed for a third album. After a legal battle they did manage one more album for Falcon Records called I’m Worried About the Boys!, produced by then former CBS A&R executive Bob Gallo.

What bass does Zander Zon use?

Zon VB4 bass
What kind of a bass do you play? A Zon VB4 bass from Zon Guitars, as well as a Zon VB5 fretless.

Why are basses so expensive?

Bass guitar is usually more expensive than regular guitars because the production of one bass guitar requires more raw materials. Also, regular guitars sell more than bass guitars. Therefore, profit margins are not big enough, so companies are compelled to raise a price for bass guitars.

What Bass does Michael Manring play?

Zon Hyperbass
Manring plays a custom bass by Zon Guitars, the so-called Zon Hyperbass, a very flexible instrument, which was developed by Joseph Zon and Manring.

What is an alembic bass?

alembic.com. Alembic is an American manufacturer of high-end electric basses, guitars and preamps. Founded in 1969, the company began manufacturing pre-amps before building complete instruments.

Do bass strings ever break?

Bass strings can break, especially when played aggressively, when incorrectly tuned, or when the instrument has a flaw that is causing a compromise in the strength of the string. There are several strategies that bass players can use to minimize string breakage.

How much should I spend on a good bass guitar?

On average, it will cost about $149 for a traditional four string bass guitar. of your A cheap bass will be closer to $100. However, if you are a beginner, you will have to buy more than just the bass itself. You will need to couple that with an amplifier.

What strings does Michael Manring use?

I use different sets of D’Addario strings depending on what works best for the music I’m working on at the moment. The set I seem to use most often is the EXL220’s. I have a set of Ultimate Ear UE11 in-ear monitors that I love.

How bass is different from guitar?

The simplest difference between guitar and bass guitar is the pitch range of the instruments. Bass guitar plays notes an octave lower than a regular guitar. Guitar, with its higher range, also plays a supportive role and solos are more common on guitar. Traditionally guitar is a bit more out front and in the spotlight.

Who plays Alembic bass?

How Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh’s Alembic ‘Mission Control’ pioneered the concept of the boutique bass. Just about any Deadhead is familiar with the Phil Lesh bass known as ‘Mission Control’. What is hazy are many of the details, as this bass guitar seemed to simply disappear over 40 years ago.

Are Alembic basses good?

Alembic makes very nice basses, that have a distinctive look and sound, are expensive, and can be heavy. To me, their sound is hyper clean and brilliant- almost too much so, imo.

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