What is a deep set window?

What is a deep set window?

By Allbright Bullock Architects. The windows and doors are set deeply in the wall pocket with flared interior jambs to allow more light into the rooms.

What is a deep window sill?

Windows with deep sills are a useful and ornamental addition to any room of the home. They give you a resting place for plants, books, cups and anything else that fits the space. They also allow you to trim them in different, decorative ways that can enhance the design of the room and call attention to the window.

What is a recessed window?

Recessed windows are ones that are fixed inside a recess or alcove of sorts within the wall. As a result, there is a distance between the window and the wall that surrounds it.

What are jamb extensions for Windows?

Jamb extensions are an interior window feature which allows your frame to fit window openings of varying depths. By extending the window jambs to the precise length required, your window is able to sit flush with your interior wall.

Do you have to put curtains on all windows in a room?

1. Know Your “Exceptions” Consistency is key in good interior design, and mixing and matching different styles of drapery in one room shouldn’t be done without good reason. “Generally, if all the windows are the same size,” Jacobson advises, “I would recommend the same style window treatment throughout.”

Does a window need a stool?

The window stool is the first piece of trim to be installed when trimming out a window. All of the other window trim pieces abut the stool. The stool is a landing place for the jamb casings above, and the apron casing fits against the underside of the stool. The stool should always be installed level.

Are window sills necessary?

Window sills are a necessity. Without the window sill, the window, wall and floors inside the home would all become water damaged. Window sills also play an important role in the functionality of the window.

What is the recess around a window called?

A window recess (or window reveal) is the distance between the surface of a window pane and the the wall that the window is built into. Measuring your window’s recess can also be referred to providing us with the depth of your window.

What’s the difference between exact and recess?

When measuring for your new blinds, you’ll need to decide whether they’re going to be a recess or exact fit. Recess blinds are designed to fit snugly within the window opening itself, while exact blinds generally sit outside the window recess, overlapping slightly on either side.

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