What is a retropubic tape?

What is a retropubic tape?

A Gold standard procedure for urinary stress incontinence. This procedure is performed under local or regional anaesthesia. Small incisions are made in the vagina and the permanent tape is introduced via the vagina to sit under the urethra.

What is TVT and TOT?

TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) and TOT (transobturator tape) are procedures that lift a. woman’s sagging bladder or urethra into normal position. During surgery, a narrow band of tape is placed under the urethra. The tape supports the urethra and bladder like a hammock.

What is Gynecare TVT?

GYNECARE TVT™ Retropubic System is a retropubic mid-urethral sling used for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. The needle curvature and tip radius is designed to maintain contact with the posterior aspect of the pubic bone during passage.

What is a TVT procedure for urinary incontinence?

Tension-free vaginal sling procedures: transvaginal tape procedure (TVT) is a treatment for urodynamically proven stress incontinence in women. TVT is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the placement of a small piece of polypropylene mesh (tape) around the pubic bones underneath the urethra.

What is Colposuspension procedure?

Colposuspension is an operation to treat stress incontinence (leakage of urine when you exercise, sneeze or strain). We put stitches inside the pelvis either through an incision (cut) across your lower abdomen (tummy) or laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) through a series of small abdominal incisions.

How long does Midurethral sling last?

I usually tell patients that if they take care of their slings and avoid constipation, do their Kegel exercises and use low dose estrogen or annual MonaLisa Touch to maintain, then they should expect the sling to last for 10-15 years.

What does TVT mean?


Acronym Definition
TVT Thermal Vacuum Testing
TVT Trans Vaginal Taping
TVT Television Videotape
TVT Technical Validation Test(ing)

What is tot in urology?

Tension-free vaginal sling procedures: transobturator tape procedure (TOT) is a treatment for urodynamically proven stress incontinence in women. TOT is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the placement of a small piece of polypropylene mesh around the pubic bones underneath the urethra.

What is Gynecare TVT made of?

The GYNECARE TVT EXACT™ Continence System Trocar consists of the stainless-steel Trocar Shaft and the plastic Trocar Handle.

What is TVT mesh surgery?

In TVT surgery, a mesh tape is placed under your urethra like a sling or hammock to keep it in its normal position. The tape is inserted through tiny incisions in your abdomen and vaginal wall. No sutures are required to hold the tape in place.

Is TVT surgery safe?

Conclusions: This study shows that tension-free vaginal tape procedure is an effective and safe minimally invasive surgical procedure in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in short-term follow-up.

Is the Gynecare TVT introducer A retropubic device?

The GYNECARE TVT Introducer, and Rigid Catheter Guide are available separately and GYNECARE TVT Abdominal Guides and Couplers are included in each kit. The GYNECARE TVT Introducer is a reusable device intended to aid in the placement of the GYNECARE TVT Device retropubically.

What is the cure rate for retropubic sling?

The system had a 91% objective cure rate and a 87% subjective cure rate reported from a 17 year study. 1-5 Also, the system had significantly lower rates of urinary obstruction/retention 6 and has been evaluated in over 100 RCTs. 7

When to use the Gynecare TVT obturator and exact?

The GYNECARE TVT Device, GYNECARE TVT Exact, GYNECARE TVT Obturator and GYNECARE TVT Obturator are intended for use for non-pregnant adult female patients not planning future pregnancies, who are affected by stress urinary incontinence (SUI) resulting from urethral hypermobility and/or intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

What is the Gynecare TVT abbrevo helical guide?

The GYNECARE TVT ABBREVO Helical Passers and Atraumatic Winged Guide are intended to aid in the placement of the GYNECARE TVT ABBREVO Device.

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