How do I track user activity in WordPress?

How do I track user activity in WordPress?

To track the logged in users on your site, you need to go to the WP Activity Log » Logged In Users page. From here you will see all the users who are logged into your site. You can view all the activity of a certain user, or force someone to log out by clicking on the Terminate Session button.

How can I track user login activity on my website?

Some of the most common ways to track user activity include:

  1. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.
  2. Click tracking (recording which elements on a page users click)
  3. Scroll tracking (recording where users scroll on a page)
  4. Viewing session recordings of users as they use their site.

Does WordPress have an activity log?

WordPress does not have activity logs out of the box. This means that in order to keep a log and monitor the events taking place on your site, you’ll need an activity log plugin.

What is user activity log?

The User Activity Log will display user activities based on your filter criteria and Activity Group (whether it be Reservation, Posting, Housekeeping, Commission, Configuration, Employee, Profile, Blocks, or Potential, among others).

How do I keep a WordPress user logged in?

You can use the plugin “WP Login Timeout Settings” to achieve this. Under “Settings → Login timeout”, it then allows you to configure the login timeout for both a normal login and one with the “Remember Me” box ticked.

Can I tell who has visited my website?

Yes, website owners can see who visits their website and often with a great detail of useful information. However, this data is completely anonymous in order to be compliant with many data privacy laws such as the GDPR that protects online users.

How can I tell if a WordPress user is logged in?

WordPress has a build in function to check if the current user is logged-in or not. This is is_user_logged_in() and it determines whether the current visitor is a logged-in user – it returns true if the user is logged in and it returns false if the user is not logged-in.

What is WordPress activity log?

ActivityLog is another useful WordPress activity monitoring and logging plugin. It is easy to use and allows you to view all website activity inside the WordPress dashboard. The plugin keeps a log of all user sessions, any changes made to posts, pages, comments, themes, plugins, or widgets, plugins, and theme changes.

How do I track user activity?

There are various methods implemented to monitor and manage user activity such as:

  1. Video recordings of sessions.
  2. Log collection and analysis.
  3. Network packet inspection.
  4. Keystroke logging.
  5. Kernel monitoring.
  6. File/screenshot capturing.

How do I track user activity on APP?

Session Recordings By far the easiest and best way to track user behavior is to actually see users interacting with the app. User session recordings enable you to do just that, by showing you exactly how users interact with your app, from the second they launch it for the first time and until they quit.

How can I track my WordPress User activity?

By installing a WordPress user tracking plugin(also known as activity log plugin), you can track, monitor and manage user activity with little effort. In this article, we’re going to show you how to track WordPress login history with WP Activity Log. This plugin is an easy-to-use WordPress user tracking plugin with a comprehensive activity log.

How does the activity log work in WordPress?

The plugin tracks all user activities including any changes made to content, media, or WordPress settings. You can also set up notifications for specific users and receive an email alert when those users login. There is a built-in export feature that allows you to export activity log to your computer.

Which is the best plugin to track user activity?

User Activity Log is another tracking plugin that offers both a free and a premium version. The free version of User Activity Log records activities related to WordPress updates, content creation and edits, categories and taxonomies, comments, and site settings.

Which is the best plugin tracker for WordPress?

Sucuri monitors your WordPress files, plugins and themes for any changes. This enables you to be notified if a malicious script is added to your site. It also keeps track of plugins installed, activated, or deactivated on your website.

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