How do you use Breeze in a sentence?

How do you use Breeze in a sentence?

Breeze sentence example

  1. A cool breeze touched her cheeks and neck.
  2. It’s like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
  3. A cool breeze touched the warmth of her cheeks.
  4. The flower moved as if caught in a breeze , not an earthquake.
  5. There was a chill in the breeze now.

What is the meaning of Cround?

1a : to press on : hurry The ships crowded northward. b : to press close The players crowded around the coach. 2 : to collect in numbers Police officers warned people not to crowd. transitive verb.

What is a good sentence for crowd?

1, They played to a capacity crowd . 2, The crowd threw up their hands in dismay. 3, The crowd cheered the winning hit. 4, Elsa stood unnoticed at the edge of the crowd.

Is it correct to say crowds?

As you can see, any plural noun is acceptable instead of crowds. Since crowds is also a plural noun it is also grammatically correct.

Will be a breeze meaning?

DEFINITIONS1. to be extremely easy. Everyone thought the test was a breeze. Synonyms and related words. Easy to do and to be easy.

What is breeze slang for?

Informal. an easy task; something done or carried on without difficulty: Finding people to join in the adventure was a breeze. Chiefly British Informal. a disturbance or quarrel.

What are the 4 types of crowds?

There are four different types of crowds.

  • Casual Crowd. This crowd probably formed as a casual crowd:
  • Conventional Crowd. Conventional crowds result from more deliberate planning with norms that are defined and acted upon according to the situation.
  • Expressive Crowds.
  • Acting Crowd.

Is crowd a common gender?

crowd – The word ‘crowd’ refers to a ‘large group of people’. This word does not have gender as it is a collective noun. This is not the required answer. This word can be considered common for both genders.

How do you use crowd in a sentence?

Crowd sentence example

  1. The crowd began to cheer.
  2. The crowd had dispersed, so they turned toward the only hotel in town.
  3. I grabbed a hot dog with sauerkraut at a stand nearby and watched the theater crowd exit the latest block buster show.
  4. The crowd cheered as one and the parade began.

How do you describe a crowded place in writing?

crammed full of people. tightly-packed mass of people. heaving crowd.

What does the crowd represent?

A crowd is a large group of people or an audience. Crowd also means to cram closely together. Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people. Often, crowd is used to specifically mean that the people are standing close together.

Which is the best definition of meaningful use?

Meaningful use (MU), in a health information technology (HIT) context, defines minimum U.S. government standards for using electronic health records (EHR) and for exchanging patient clinical data between healthcare providers, between healthcare providers and insurers, and between healthcare providers and patients.

How long does the Cowd water project last?

The CDO project will have a term of 30 years — renewable for another 20 years–and involves the supply of up to 100 million liters per day of treated bulk water to COWD.

What are the three stages of meaningful use?

Stages of Meaningful Use In primary care, meaningful use consists of three stages: Stage 1: transferring data to EHRs and being able to share information Stage 2: includes new standards such as online access for patients to their health information and electronic health information exchange between providers

What was the impact of the Meaningful Use Act?

Because the meaningful use program was technically voluntary, meaningful use criteria were considered guidelines, not regulations. Still, failure to adhere to meaningful use resulted in reimbursement-related penalties. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ( HITECH) Act of 2009 promoted the adoption of meaningful use.

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