How is WOT rating calculated?

How is WOT rating calculated?

The system evaluates player flexibility by assessing uniformly high average values of parameters that matter most for the chosen vehicle. The parameter’s influence (i.e., importance coefficient) on the final rating value is ~25%. Get the most out of a vehicle and this translates to your World of Tanks Rating.

What is efficiency in World of Tanks?

WOT Efficiency Rating is a collection of data that shows how effective you are on battlefield, your damage and your overall performance in combat. With the help of the efficiency rating you can see other players’ skill before battle start.

What is WN8 formula?

WN8 (displayed with the macro {{wn8}} ) is calculated using the following formula: rDAMAGE = avgDmg / expDmg rSPOT = avgSpot / expSpot rFRAG = avgFrag / expFrag rDEF = avgDef / expDef rWIN = avgWinRate / expWinRate rWINc = max(0, (rWIN – 0.71) / (1 – 0.71) ) rDAMAGEc = max(0, (rDAMAGE – 0.22) / (1 – 0.22) ) rFRAGc = …

What is a decent WN8?

According to wot info, an average player is yellow, 650-899. But if you discount players with a few thousand games who only dabbled in Wot, I would consider an average player to be green, around 1100 Wn8.

What does WN7 mean in WOT?

TL;DR: WN7 is a “per tier” rating, WN8 is a “per tank” rating. WN7 is an “absolute” metric, it directly translates “damage done” into rating, only adjusted by average tier. So whether you dealt that damage in a 13 90 or an ISU-152 does not matter, because both are T8 tanks.

What means WN8 wot?

WN8 is essentially a number that represents an account’s skill, with zero being a terribly unskilled player and 2450+ being one of the best players. This judgement of skill is made by observing an account’s contribution to a battle by looking at a few different elements of a game.

What is a good WTR rating wot?

What WTR values can be considered good performance? More than 5,000 for a vehicle, and more than 9,500 for an account.

What is personal rating in World of Tanks?

Personal Rating win – ratio of victories over total number of battles (ranges 0 to 1) surv – ratio of survived battles over total number of battles (ranges 0 to 1) dmg – average damage per battle over all battles.

How can I improve my WN8?

How To Improve Your WN8

  1. Easier said than done, but increasing the amount of kills you get will directly affect your WN8.
  2. Winning more means you’re doing something right, and playing correctly means you’re WN8 will be increasing.
  3. The amount of damage you need to deal is on a per-tank basis.

What is WN8 and WN7?

The main difference is that WN7 uses one number for all of your units (but it takes average tank tier into consideration), while with WN8 it’s possible to calculate player’s performance on single tank, then aggregate values together using average (not sure).

What is a good win8?

For most consumers, Windows 8.1 is the best choice. It possesses all required functions for daily work and life, including Windows Store, new version of Windows Explorer, and some service only provided by Windows 8.1 Enterprise before.

What is the difference between WN7 and WN8?

TL;DR: WN7 is a “per tier” rating, WN8 is a “per tank” rating. WN7 is an “absolute” metric, it directly translates “damage done” into rating, only adjusted by average tier.

What does the efficiency rating on Wot mean?

WOT Efficiency Rating is a collection of data that shows how effective you are on battlefield, your damage and your overall performance in combat. With the help of the efficiency rating you can see other players’ skill before battle start.

What does combat efficiency mean in World of Warcraft?

Combat efficiency is the rating that the player sees in battle, and the hangar (efficiency on certain tank) – xTE, the statistics of a certain tank, which is compared with the average values ​with all same tank of all its drivers.

Which is the second most efficient color in WOT?

The second color range is orange, with efficiency from 630 to 859 and win rate is about 47-48 %. Such players are better in comparison with “reds”, but also fall under criticism of allies because of their game decisions. This range includes those players who enjoy game during the battle, but not the numbers in after-battle statistics.

How are tank stats calculated in World of tanks?

The stats of your tank as they are shown in the garage or in the tech trees, i.e. the nominal stats, do not necessarily represent your tank’s actual performance. In game versions up to, they were calculated based on a hypothetical 133.33% effective primary crew skill, which cannot be reached in game.

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