What is the pickup height on a Fender Stratocaster?

What is the pickup height on a Fender Stratocaster?


Bass Side Treble Side
Vintage style 6/64″ (2.4 mm) 5/64″ (2 mm)
Noiseless™ Series 8/64″ (3.2 mm) 6/64″ (2.4 mm)
Standard Single-Coil 5/64″ (2 mm) 4/64″ (1.6 mm)
Humbuckers 4/64″ (1.6 mm) 4/64″ (1.6 mm)

What is the proper height for guitar pickups?

Start by setting all of your guitar pickups to 3/32” (0.093”, 2.38mm) on the bass side and 2/32” (1/16”, 0.0625”, 1.98mm) on the treble side. Remember, this is the space between the top of the pole piece and the bottom of the string, held down at the last fret.

How do I know if my pickups are too high?

Setting your pickup height too high will cause your magnets to push and pull your strings out of tune. Here’s a quick way to tell if this is happening to you: play the Low E string at a high fret (15th fret is a good one to start at). You might hear a “warbling” sound. That sound is your magnet fighting your string.

How does pickup height affect tone?

How does guitar pickup height affect tone? Guitar pickup height affects tone due to the distance between the pickups and the guitar strings. As the distance gets smaller, the string’s vibration pattern, pitch, and sustain are altered along with an increase in the pickup output.

How high should the action be at the 12th fret?

Measuring at the 12th fret (as in the photo), the action height should be 2.6 mm for Steel String Acoustic guitar, 1.8 for electric, 2.0mm for bass and 3mm for a Classical.

Should pickups be level?

Play in a comfortable position that is natural to you. For single coil pickups, your treble side should be slightly higher than your bass side, this provides a nice even balance of signal. This allows you to get as close to the optimal performance height of your guitar kits pickups as possible.

How high should the pickups be on an electric guitar?

We recommend between somewhere close to 5/64″ on the bridge pickup, and about 4/64″ on the neck. Keep in mind, these are measurements on the Low-E side. On the High-E, we might suggest you move it just a tad closer (say 1/64″ on each pickup). Adjusting height is easy.

Can high pickups cause fret buzz?

It’s not something you’d normally think of but pickup magnets can deflect the vibrating string’s pattern so much it rattles off your frets. Honestly. Pickups themselves can be enough to make a string buzz. If you’ve got some fret buzz that seems to defy any other explanation, try lowering your pickups.

What should the string height be on an electric guitar?

For electric guitars, in our opinion, a good default string height at the 12th fret is typically about 6/64th of an inch (2.38mm) on the bass side and 4/64th of an inch (1.59mm) on the treble side.

Why do my pickups sound muddy?

There are several things you can do to help brighten up your pickups if you are getting a muddy tone. First, try adjusting the height of the pickups by adjusting the screws. If that doesn’t work, try changing your Potentiometer value, if using 250K try 500K. Lastly if that still doesn’t work, try connecting a .

Is the action too high on my guitar?

There are several telltale signs that a guitar is in need of a set-up. If the intonation is off, the action is too high, the guitar buzzes when you fret a note, strings stop vibrating and buzz as you bend them, frets feel sharp, or neck appears warped, then your guitar definitely needs a set-up.

How tall should a Stratocaster middle pickup be?

Strat middle pickups can be only slightly (.040″ to .100″) higher, and Strat bridge pickups can typically be raised to where the magnets are around .200″ from the strings. The official Fender factory recommended pickup adjustments are completely insane, by the way!

Do you have to adjust the pickup height on a Strat?

Whether your dissatisfied with your tone, just looking to experiment, or you want to dial in Fender’s exact specifications, it’s always a good idea to try adjusting your pickup heights before swapping pickups. Fortunately, adjusting your Strat’s pickup height is something that anyone can do with a bit of guidance.

What should the pickup height be on a bass guitar?

What should be the determining factor for your guitar’s pickup height is what sounds preferable to your playing style. Start by setting all of your guitar pickups to 3/32” (0.093”, 2.38mm) on the bass side and 2/32” (1/16”, 0.0625”, 1.98mm) on the treble side.

What was the colour of the Stratocaster in 1979?

The picture doesn’t do the colour justice. Type: 1979 25th Anniversary Stratocaster (original colour) Remarks: The first 500 of these guitars were finished in pearl white, supplied by a bicycle company. That cracked really badly, so they changed manufacturer to Porsche and colour to silver metallic.

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